Könnte mich das Jugendamt zu meinem Vater bringen?
Ich habe etwas Stress mit dem Jugendamt. Also viel eher meine Mutter. Es kann sein, dass es bald vor Gericht geht, weil das JA meiner Mutter das Sorgerecht entziehen möchte.
Mein Vater hat seit über 6 Jahren keinen Kontakt mehr zu mir. Das Problem ist, dass er dem JA zustimmt, weil er mich halt absolut nicht kennt. Ich weiß auch nicht, ob er überhaupt Interesse an mir hat. Es gab halt nie irgendeine Verhandlung. Deshalb glaube ich, dass er auch noch Sorgerecht hat. Er hat meine Mutter damals verlassen und zahlt halt Unterhalt usw.
Könnte es dann trotzdem passieren, dass ich zu meinem Vater muss? Oder kann es auch sein, dass ich bei meinem Opa leben kann oder dass ich in eine wg komme?
Ich will halt auf keinen Fall zu meinem Vater.
(also auch nicht zu Opa oder ins Heim, aber das ist mir noch lieber als mein Vater)
How old are you? Who has informed the Youth Office, why they want to deny your mother’s custody for you?
What about your mother? Can’t she take care of you?
I don’t think you’ll come to your father, because you’re both actually strange to you and don’t know you. You wouldn’t.
Your grandpa would probably be too old (at least from the point of view of the YES) and it would certainly not be reasonable to him.
You’ll also be asked what you want. Let it come to you and don’t worry so much already in advance. It doesn’t matter.
The school, because there have been problems there for a long time.
My mother’s nothing. She takes care of me
My grandpa’s not that old yet. Besides, I care about my mother anyway.
And where is the problem of school with DIR + your mother?
There must have been a reason, otherwise the YES will not be informed.
Parenting is not so easy to ignore.
Any other person (carrier, etc.) would not be less strange.
But it is then socially educated and not a father who has not been interested in him for six years. You understand? I’m sure he needs a strong hand.
I have no problem with my mother. I have a problem with school. My mother supports me. This does not fit the Youth Office
I didn’t say anything else.
Quote: I don’t think that you are Father coming
I didn’t generalize anything or show parents as incapable.
So… ..nun must be good too.
You mean, I’m sure you’re under.
Of course I know the cause.
I’ve already read a verdict from you.
A little hint: I am for Parents before parents/others (besides the cuckoo)
Good evening, Mr. or Mrs. Good day. 🙋 ♀️
Me too.
I have already replied
jam 😉 anyway
um… then read again from the beginning. You criticized my contribution. Not yours.
Parenting is not so easy to ignore.
Any other person (carrier, etc.)would not be less strange.
Probably like you, but let’s do this, you’ve mixed up in my answer. You can, yet I write what I want.
such a bullshit…. don’t you notice it yourself?
No, you didn’t.
I wrote that, yes. Then I’ll let you see yours.
Well, if there are problems with you in school and your mother is to be deprived of custody, there seems to be something in the argen.
This is my guess. I don’t judge anything. I’m just thinking.
I have 2 adult children myself and 4 grandchildren. I’m not from the moon.
That’s all I’m saying. Who asks answers. And they don’t always like one.
Questions are not interpretations.
…and with all parents. You should take the children away from all parents. 😮
Everyone interprets the few information differently. I don’t want to discuss it anymore because it doesn’t lead to anything. In any case, I trust the stronger hand to a social pedagogue rather than a disinterested father.
It’s lonely to protect your mother. Do you know the causes of separation and distance between you?
If you can read and understand, you are not reading a verdict with me.
Why should I need a strong hand? What is wrong with you, that you judge things that you cannot judge?
My mother is certainly not guilty of my father leaving.
What parents are already trained in social education?
… and you’re talking about it – from the ‘Ferne’ – to his father. A mother wouldn’t dare say that to anyone.
Do you know the reasons?. Mothers are often the cause of this.