Könnte man nach einem halben Jahr Gesangsunterricht schon ein Album veröffentlichen?
Für ein gutes Album
Für ein gutes Album
Welche art/arten von Musik hört ihr gerne so?
Es ist verdammt schwer. Viel schwirieg3r als ich dachte. Habe absolut kein gefühl dafür. Was kann ich machen um es zu lernen
https://youtu.be/buSJ_tHr8Ng?si=KMDQ75iW7kWgm4cU Wie findet ihr das lied
Ich persönlich spiele Keyboard aber mich würde eure Meinung mal interessieren 😀
The question is too general. It just depends on the talent. Singing lessons can promote talent but not replace.
What is a good album? And what’s a bad album?
An album is simply a collection of pieces of music.
In today’s time, with a reasonable microphone for €50,- to €100 on a reasonable audio interface for €100,- to €200,- can start quite nice recordings. The software, which not only takes up microphones but with which you can also record or create complete pieces of music, is a so-called DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), such as Cubase Elements, Cubase Artist or Cubase Pro. Also Cakewalk for Bandlab is a professional and very extensive DAW, which is even available free of charge on the internet.
With talent and technical skill you can produce your own album.
That’s what’s going on today. There is no need for talent or teaching. Otherwise, whether it’s to be marketed?
Of course, that’s an attitude. You can be quietly talent-free and the studio will do it. True art thus does not arise, at most Top 40 crap with a felt half-life of 5 minutes.
But, of course, you can also produce your own music at home with a DAW and see how far you have it technically and musically or just as a hobby.
Unfortunately, it is done. That’s why it all sounds the same today. The “soul” is missing
I have only the ambition to entertain people. So cover. partly a little in my own way.
A nice hobby to get your head free after work. I’ll take my shots myself. I want people to know what’s going on live. It doesn’t help to show any great studio productions and there’s only hot air at the show.
You can always publish an album, which goes on your own. Just wonder if you will be successful.
This comes only to the basic talent, because some people can train for years and become only better, but not really good.Without real talent, the most intense training does not bring the desired success, see Menderes von DSDS, who has been making music for decades, sounds much better than his first recording, but he still sings badly.
Since there is no need for a specific talent nowadays, this should not be a problem.
You can publish everything. If someone else wants to hear it, it’s on another sheet.
I mean, you’re good enough for an album. A good album
If you can sing well before, maybe. What’s good?
Many former amateurs without training are excellent musicians. But they did it with passion.
Because after half a year singing lessons is almost like no teaching… It’s the first time you start.
Good luck to you!
The technology is the same. You can also publish an album without a vocalist.
Well, you can publish an album even after the first hour of singing whether it is now the cup hit is ne andete ask
I mean, after half a year, you can sing well enough for an album
This is far too individual to be able to answer this is what you were for me music direction as well as you were at the beginning of the lesson if you were still playing an instrument and so many versed other things carry yet once again to your family odwr friends what before and ask them what to think about whether they have any suggestions to improve
It’s nice to find time to answer while you’re working on your first novel.
You can do it without lessons. You then call the plate stylish: “My cat has pain”
You can always publish an album if you want.
You can do that even without singing.
clear if everything else is regulated and you are good enough
What do you mean the first sentence