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1 year ago

Could you taste heroin without being addicted?

Not necessarily. There are narratives that addicts were dependent on first-time consumption. But why would you even taste that?

Either it is Good, then one wants to take it again, which then guarantees dependency and decline. Or it is Fucking. Then it’s absurd to try it.

How to turn it and turn it – it is insane to taste heroin.


1 year ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

There are narratives lt. which addicts were dependent on first-time consumption

there is no drug that makes medically detectable dependable after the first consumption, that is not true.

Of course, many have stayed, but everyone could have stopped after the first time.

A addiction is almost always creeping. Similar to alcohol or tobacco.

1 year ago
Reply to  mottral

there is no drug that makes medically detectable after the first consumption dependent,

So? This doesn’t change the fact that there are addicts that were dependent on it after the first consumption of a drug.

1 year ago

The problem of ner addiction is not the body … the physical withdrawal is all over it and if, with medical help, for example, long consumption. The difficult problem, which is insurmountable for many long-term heroin addicts even during lifetimes, is mental dependency. But the first one can lead to this. Whatever is logical.. Every addict must have done it for the first time

1 year ago

Because there is no physical dependence yet.

This isn’t one of the criteria for “Search”. Physical dependence actually exists in the least drug addictions.

1 year ago

Because there is no physical dependence yet. If you have survived the cat, everything is good and you can live on without withdrawal symptoms. When the body first got used to the drug, no more.

1 year ago

They liked it so well or the boarding was so hard that they continued

And where exactly is the difference to addiction in this behavior?

1 year ago

no, they were not dependent on themselves after first consumption

They depended on the first consumption. You also know that, otherwise you wouldn’t have to use the relativization “in itself”.

1 year ago

They haven’t been dependent on the first time. They liked it so well or the boarding was so hard that they continued and then they became dependent.

1 year ago

no, they were not dependent on themselves after the first consumption.

That doesn’t work

1 year ago

Theoretically, the Turkish thing is that it should be very beautiful. You mean after a while you think you could do it again. And then you might do it again and again and again and at once you hang on the needle.

An acquaintance of me once tried, he said it was so nice that he was afraid to get it done again because it was so beautiful. But he also meant that he thought about it for a very long time actually every day.

1 year ago

no drug depends on one-time consumption.

But heroin should not be tested in general.

Heroin is 1.5 – 3 times stronger than morphine

1 year ago

Yes, involuntary. It depends on the internal basic setting.

Have two acquaintances who have pulled the wrong line on the mirror. They just wanted to pull speed or something. Both held heroin from the outset as no-go and never had to consume before the drug!

So they’ve been through the withdrawal without getting back.

1 year ago

Yes definitely .

But the danger that you like it very well (too good) is already there.

1 year ago

do not recommend

1 year ago

Could you taste heroin

You can taste everything, just after that you should wash your fingers.

1 year ago
