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1 year ago

Yeah, I can still remember a dark one, but just on the edge. I think these were later cards for the public phone booth instead of coins and just in chic versions, pictures and colors quite different.

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackSoul818

That’s how it was

1 year ago

You can and could gather everything the heart desires.

The homo sapiens is from home a “jäger and collector”. This, of course, has not been genetically eliminated in the course of millennia;-)

And therefore there have been people who have collected phone cards, such as stamps or coins… or are probably still there.

Deutsche Telekom has supported all of this naturally and – like the mail – then also released phone cards in the most diverse, also collectible-friendly designs.

1 year ago

yes. There were old phone cards with different motives on it. They could be bought (I don’t know how expensive they were) and then stop calling in phone tents until the balance was exhausted.

Well, and by the different motives, some people have just gathered. Similar to stamps.

1 year ago

I have all my phone cards. At some point, more cards were joined, which had nothing to do with phone calls.

1 year ago

Yeah, they had credible according to the beautiful print. Just as there are various stamps.

1 year ago

Yes, also stamps or beer lids.

1 year ago

Yeah, there were collectors. Again, what for your “was the earlier real” question collection, where the answer is usually “yes”.