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Yes, that happens (luckily) also by natural means e.g. after several generations.
Victory Habsburg family.
It’s possible. In the case of inbreeding or serious diseases which damage the genetic material.
Also by radioactive radiation, the reproductive capacity can be severely impaired.
It can be missed or malformations at the fetus occur which may cause the newborn to no longer be viable.
We’ve been doing this for a long time.
In theory, maybe, but practically not.
Yeah, you can sneak around all over the genome.
In the generation, TALEN is more precise than CRISPR, because Cas9 needs a PAM to bind and then cut ~4 base pairs next to it.
I work on a new CRISPR complex that can cut between each base pair in the genome.
You want to assist me
That’s what happens. The Chemtrails created by Merkel change the genetic material and the sperm quality of the men, so that they become incapable of production.
They ♪ frogs gay!
How do you want to justify such interventions in Freiheirsrechte?