Könnte jeder Mensch wenn er es will sich umbringen?
Ist jeder Mensch dazu in der Lange sich selbst umbringen zu können wenn er es einfach tun würde? Oder gibt es bei einigen sowas wie eine Blockade vom Körper selbst dran Stoppt, also richtiges stoppen und nicht nur mit Gedanken.
(Die Frage ist ernstgemeint und ich kann sie leider nicht genauer beschreiben)
Yeah, it’s called “Sebster Maintenance Drive.” And yes, this is a function in the brain.
To prevent such a thing physically – that’s not possible. This is all too complex. An action can be completely harmless or kill you instantly – depends on the environment and the situation. And that can only judge the brain and, if necessary, strew against it.
Yes, if you choose a fast, safe method, where the self-supporting drive can no longer reach. However, this is not an easy thing. A mentally and physically healthy person will not be able to do so.
Definitely NO.
Many people can’t and many people can’t. This is precisely why the topic “Sterbehilfe” is so present.
Thinking to me is life so important and the zb are so happy that they can never make it…
But if about 10 km distanced from me an atomic bomb would go into the air I would love to kill myself before!
Everyone can do it just as nobody can stop you from asking this question