Könnte ich theoretisch mein Auto zum 4 Radantrieb umbauen?

Hallo hatte heute nach Feierabend einen Kumpel zu seinen Partybauwagen gefahren bin auf die wiese gefahren da es nass was fuhr ich mich fest wir bekamen ihn nur mit Mühe zu 2 heraus.

Könnte ich daher meinen Benz A klasse W 168 zum 4 Rad Antrieb um bauen wie dieses 4 Motion oder zuschaltbar im Gelände.

Habe beim Radlader in der Firma gesehen da geht einfach eine Achse vom Getriebe nach hinten. Ich persönlich bin geschickt und begabt was Autos oder generell handwerkliches angeht. Bei uns in der Firma sind auch viele Teile auf dem schrott wo sich was passendes finden kann.

Nur bin ich nicht sicher ob das eingetragen wird und wie ich es am besten mache wäre es überhaupt möglich.

Das wäre einfach genial dann komme ich egal in welchem Gelände klar daher die Frage?

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3 years ago

of technical side: yes you can.. with many rebuilt

but from the economic side: is not worth

you might be able to get an a-class MIT allrad for the same conversion price

3 years ago
Reply to  iEdik

The W168 thus the first A class did not exist with Allrad

3 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

yes can be.. I mean only as a comparison..

3 years ago

1. Financially absolute bullshit

Two. Do you miss the technical know-how completely

3. Is there no room under the floor of the W168

4. Buy a Suzuki Jimny or a Dacia Duster AWD, they have it as standard. Also because you need new cars at the latest when the TÜV expires

3 years ago

Everything is feasible, even with registration, is just a question of money. But this is not so simple, citation: “as seen in the company, there is simply an axis from the gearbox to the rear” when then the axis goes from the distributor gear to the rear (and to the front) briefly the structure: motor – transmission – distributor gear (or motor – transmission with integrated distributor gear) – from there, the joint shafts go to vo. & hi. into the differentials which then drive both axes.

Thus, various brackets have to be built for all the parts that are not installed now, welding work is necessary (and so the TÜV only takes off when it performs an approved workshop) all parts that are needed for a 2nd driven axle.

In my eyes, it makes more sense to get a vehicle with Allrad.

3 years ago

No, you can’t. On the one hand, the place in the tube does not exist. On the other hand, you lack any knowledge of how this works.

3 years ago
Reply to  Deckel92

Everywhere. To do this, you need a distributor gear, a main gear, which offers the possibility to flange a distributor. Another rear axle, a cardan shaft, suitable electronics, etc. To do this, you can saw the car

3 years ago

to make it easier

3 years ago

No, you can’t. There is no space in the floor

3 years ago

At the RAdlader, an axis goes from the geared to the rear. You have to go like that with your A class. But where is the axis going? Drill hole and weld inside? You then screw the cardan shaft under the car instead of the unexistent KArdan tunnel. Also the rear axle with differential shines through absence.

And since your car wasn’t with Allrad, there will be no suitable used parts.

3 years ago

This is certainly not recorded. We’re not with “The A Team”

3 years ago
Reply to  Deckel92

No, it’s not

3 years ago

I would say that it is purely theoretical, but it probably exceeds the financial framework, or the cost-effectiveness, since buying a new user with Allrad would be cheaper. On the other hand, in my opinion, you read the permit and are therefore illegal on the road.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sandmann123638

I’d ask the TÜV for a safer answer.

3 years ago

It’s almost all possible, but you can’t.

3 years ago

This should be too expensive and you probably won’t be allowed for such a vehicle.

3 years ago
Reply to  Deckel92

The complete vehicle must be disassembled and partially cut. Then there’s got to be something about technology. There are not really many options with which this could be realized. The exhaust gas standard would probably no longer fit, and your engine comes completely to its limits.

3 years ago

You have to make room for the drivetrain. It’s just not available. Only for the rear axle you can probably also take the trunk floor out and get space for the diffuser

3 years ago

you know, all a question how much zaster you want to invest, whether that’s legal, I can tell you ned, but if you let that professionally make it legal

3 years ago

Much effort, but possible. Cheaper is to buy a 4-wheel.