Könnte ich Leukämie oder so haben?
Ich habe seit längerem ab und zu Schlappheit und Schwindel und Müdigkeit schon seit über einem Jahr woran kann das liegen? Ich nehme nicht ab sondern eher zu (was gewollt ist) allerdings ist mir ab und zu schwindelig und ich bin müde und ich schwitze oft nachts
Sounds more like a non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
But if you’re so scared, just go to the doctor.
Is that good or bad?
Diseases are of course always good. Sarcasm.
If you had an acute leukemia, you’d be dead long ago.
In case of chronic leukemia, you would be dead or in a troublesome state.
Just let you examine.
You would have definitely noticed.
I am affected by an anxiety disorder so I am always 20x more afraid so within a year I would definitely have noticed if I had cancer you think?
This would be typical signs of leukemia, but leukemia can actually be detected relatively clearly and quickly.
So if you want to be certain, just a walk to the doctor helps
Shit, I’m only 20 I don’t want to please
That’s why you should go to the doctor.
That’s why you should go to the doctor. He will help you and find out
I’m afraid
Have we ever had it today?
Go to the doctor and let you check.