Könnte eine Wehrpflicht unseren Jungs eine normale Sichtweise auf ihre Genitalien bringen?

Es sind die häufigsten Fragen unter „Sexualität entdecken“: Penisgröße, Penisvergleich, Gemeinschaftsdusche mit oder ohne Shorts?

Könnte der Alltag in der Kaserne unseren Jungs eine natürliche Sichtweise auf ihre Genitalien bringen?

Bitte keine Diskussionsbeiträge über Pro und Kontra Wehrpflicht, danke!

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10 months ago

M, 23: I myself belong to the nude showers, although I am from the generation that didn’t have to be the covenant. But I had to shower naked in class 4 and class 6 with all my male classmates during swimming lessons. There was no question and no problem. When I was in the 12th Class in the basic course had occupied swimming to not have to make ground gymnastics or equipment gymnastics, all those who came from the same primary school collectively pulled out the pants while the students who came from other schools wanted to shower.
What I actually wanted to say is that with the end of puberty the barbarity to show his cock takes off something. The worst thing is always with the pupils, and after that only with those who call themselves that male nudity haram be, but always tell what ultra-seven tails they allegedly had.

10 months ago

Hope your logic chain wasn’t as follows. Weapons, military, sport = “male”. Those who pursue “male” activities also identify themselves as a man.

If so, it’s just that, the problem. If you are always recruited from all sides, you are only a real man, if you are interested in football, martial arts, weapons, war, etc., then you’ll soon be wondering if you’re actually a man because you’re importable, find ice-creaming great and want to become nurses later.

Toxic and overhauled men’s images are, in my opinion, more the reason why many are confused in young years and that another very loud group exists that propagates that there are X sexes, there is also no help, rather on the contrary.

10 months ago
Reply to  Habkenname

Oh forget it did not read the question correctly or completely, or did you update it again, could swear that was not there before.

10 months ago

You should at least indicate why you think that might be related.

For me, it’s a long way to have an influence.

10 months ago
Reply to  Tand0r

Because – at least in the case of compulsory military service as usual in my young years – multi-bed rooms and communal showers belonged to the “luxury equipment” of the barracks and one inevitably came along as others are equipped down there, or that they have no 20 cm more than one.

10 months ago
Reply to  WeiSte

There are the most common questions under “Finding Sexuality”: penis size, penis comparison, common shower with or without shorts?

Could everyday life in the barracks bring our boys a natural view of their genitals?

I think that was supplemented only afterwards, so the question also makes much more sense. Only the questioner thought about X sexes and sexualities.

10 months ago

Another look at the male genitals will not be reached by a pitiful. These “questions” around the genital are represented, but not as extreme as one thinks. In any case, I have no experience. While I was in the military, there was nothing less interested to us because in the first days and weeks we had enough to do with learning to get up early and be ready to march at 05:00. Good old Times. So I don’t think this will change the view of the male sex.

10 months ago
Reply to  BlueLupus

BlueLupus surprise me more and more! You must tell many stories!

10 months ago
Reply to  tioMinnen

Yes not as many as you might think

10 months ago
Reply to  JogyJogy

Yes, definitely

10 months ago

hahah xD

10 months ago

No, it’s pulled by the hair.

Just because you have to shower a few times with others – which is very unpleasant – doesn’t mean that you get a “normal” view.

10 months ago
Reply to  JogyJogy

You said you didn’t want to have a basic discussion about the compulsory military.

Anyway, it would take so long that sometimes – if you had a sport – you can smell 2 minutes after that, and possibly the fellowman’s limb can be seen briefly in the streak.

This would not change the least.

At that age you’ve been out of this r”haha now I’ve seen the cock from Manuel hihihi” phase.

10 months ago

This would mean that an abnormal view would be present in broad parts of a generation. I don’t see that.

What is normal and what is not in many points always changing the time.

10 months ago
Reply to  JogyJogy

Then please explain how / where do you see them?

10 months ago

Wouldn’t that lead to the prospective?

But more clubs would not be bad or as with me, to have swimming lessons at school and just a collecting dress. We all showered naked and moved. Since the first class.

10 months ago

Just in the sports club with team sports would be enough. Then do not feel every 10 min. a penis length question . Also the big porn consumption is there with guilt, where most performers run around with a big one. ECT

10 months ago

I was a conscript. And the service has given me another view of my will

10 months ago


No. But they learn the baptism.

Best regards,
