Könnte ein langsamer Zug mit Absicht entgleisen?

Der Zugführer sieht, dass etwas schweres auf den Gleisen ist und der Weg zu kurz ist um zu bremsen. Könnte der Zugführer ohne krasse Kurve und mit recht langsamen Zug technisch mit Absicht entgleisen?

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1 year ago

Yes, there is,

you are Protective switch and its only purpose is to remove a train

1 year ago

In the very few cases, making a train deliberately deglomerated is sensible and hardly feasible from the leadership stand.

1 year ago

The front is not the driver but the driver (locator) and no, he can’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  zahlenguide

No, they’re Lokrangierführer and Rangierbegleiter.

Train drivers have the task, among other things, to carry out train handling before departure at the platform. On the other hand, in the case of long-distance traffic, the train drivers can be seen on an armband (usually on the wrist), while on the other hand, the train drivers are usually train drivers.

1 year ago
Reply to  zahlenguide

No, they’re the Rangers.

The train driver is also known as the train manager who takes care of the passengers.

1 year ago

How to Train drivers knowing out of the passenger compartment? The Loans is probably more likely to see the danger. At excessive speed there is, of course, the danger of deglomeration. But how do you know that you don’t collide with the same hardness?

1 year ago

There’s someone standing another train, but you’re 100 percent dead or something like that.

Ah, OK, so you mean to avoid even greater misfortune. Now I understand…

On a straight track and at a rather low speed, I don’t know how the “intentional” should go. You can’t actively steer the train from the tracks.

But in the case you mentioned, you can still trigger an emergency braking with blocking of the wheels and sand distribution between wheels and rails and, if necessary, clear the front wagons / locomotive so that the people concerned are at risk as little as possible.

1 year ago
Reply to  Waldmensch70

However, locking of the wheels makes the braking path longer. Shortly before the blockade, braking is most effective.

1 year ago

No. There’s no way to get away from the rails. Without using strong forces.

Speak a slower train doesn’t get itself from the seemed.

That’s why there’s a buck of security devices that don’t even happen that drives a train on something.