Könnte der Fahrer dafür belangt werden?

Ich war vorhin mit meinem Vater auf der Autobahn unterwegs als uns ein neuer BMW 5er Touring auffiel. Die Autobahn war voll und wir fuhren auf der linken Spur. Er hat erst versucht, uns von rechts zu überholen. Nachdem das nicht geklappt hat, fuhr er uns ganz dicht auf, machte Lichthupe und fuhr ganz knapp an der Leitplanke um vor uns gucken zu können. Nach einer Weile ließen wir den vorbei – nichts ahnend, dass sein offensichtlicher Kollege im Passat das gleiche abzog.

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3 years ago

Uh, this is quite “normal” highway everyday. If your father has gone on the highway more often and has a little experience, then he will learn to deal more easily with such situations. Because he has it on every longer motorway ride if he is not very fast on his own.

I don’t understand the last sentence. What does it change that someone wanted to drive faster than you? Are you unpredictable on the left track?

To the legal thing: Yes, tight up and light horn can be displayed. It’s a fool.

3 years ago

Of course, why did you need it?

Thus it is 1:1, and the other two would be due.

3 years ago

Did you block the left track, as a typical transporter? Yes, he can’t go up tightly and the light horn can be valued as a fool, but grab his own nose would be helpful.

3 years ago

Previously? In the middle of the night is the highway full? Can’t believe…

3 years ago

Are you serious about that now? It’s up to you – no question – but nothing happened. Except that you don’t even know their identity.

Love greetings ☀️💋☀️

3 years ago

Generally speaking, if you were right, you should have gone there. But normally, dringer is never in the right and in the accident

3 years ago
Reply to  NoOneToBe

so if you were right, you should have gone there.

You obviously haven’t read everything.

3 years ago

“The highway is full” does not have to be called “we had no way to go right during the whole process”

3 years ago

Doesn’t matter. Didn’t let me go and put a false comma. Only he can’t be removed completely. So “deleted”

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

Achso sry😅 unfortunately always gives such people

3 years ago


You could have done exactly zero commagar nothing after the description, so obviously you can’t blame yourself. Speed was just an example.

3 years ago

Sure, you’re guilty if the BMW had locked in you with 180 from behind. You could have done so much different

First, where is the speed in my description? The highway was full.

3 years ago

Well, where is there room for action in the situation? Right, nowhere. So…

Sure, you’re guilty if the BMW had locked in you with 180 from behind. You could have done so much different.

3 years ago
