Könnte das Uranus sein?
Hab es heute um ungefähr 20:30 beobachtet
. Er befindet sich unter dem Mond, also relativ einfach zu finden.
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Hallo, auf den Fotos könnt ihr nochmal alles genauer erkennen. Es sind Chilli Samen vom letzen Jahr. benutzt habe ich bio Saatgut Erde und ein Eierkarton. Befeuchte sie alle Tage mal wieder. Habt ihr eine Ahnung wie die Pilze zustande kommen könnten ? Was muss ich jetzt machen ?
the color could also fit to pi Arietis, which is a half size class brighter than Uranus and can also be found nearby. Also sigma Arietis could be considered.
Sigma Arietis, Uranus and pi Arietis stand approximately in a line below the moon, while Uranus is quite right in the middle and lights slightly weaker.
All three objects would be observable with a field search, but not very noticeable.
Best regards,
Thank you, however, would you be able to see stars so big in the picture?? Because with me they are always only small points
If the instrument is set correctly, they will indeed appear as points. But the Uranus is so far away from us that it hardly seems to be a small one. The somewhat washed-up image can have many causes. Not properly focused, not exactly redirected, therefore with longer exposure motion blur, air turmoil, excessive magnification…
You should have taken care of which stars are still visible.
Above all, the axis Sigma A. Uranus, Pi A. could have noticed, since all three have a bluish color and are approximately the same bright.
Really good description.
Then it is no wonder that the recording is not sharp.
If you don’t increase so much, it becomes easier. The light intensity is better and the field of view is larger. In addition, an object does not run out of the image so quickly.
I’d be afraid I could lose uranus from the field because I don’t have any tracking.
As a star atlas I liked to use the two volumes of Uranometria 2000.0, which nowadays are only to get antiquarian and show the stars that can also be seen in an astronomical field search (I have a 20×80 of Vixen). Since my eyes have left behind, I can no longer recognize the weaker stars – but if you know something in the sky, you can still see one or the other.
It’s impossible. Unless you saw him with a naked eye. Then it would certainly not have been Uranus.
When there were no astronomy programs, I got the ephemerides of the planets or planetoids that I wanted to observe from an astronomical yearbook and marked in a star map from the heavenly area. Then, if I didn’t have the opportunity to set declination and angle of hours, I could pick out the right piece using striking star arrangements and comparisons with the card. The rough orientation ran over the constellations, which are already to be seen with the naked eye.
Thus, Hamal from the ram, Menkar from the whale fish and the moon form an equally clinging triangle with the moon at the top, which can be seen with the naked eye. The side halving from the moon to the connection Menkar-Hamal is about on the ecliptic. The line Sigma A. Uranus Pi A. pierces these side-half ends at a right angle approximately at half height somewhat closer to the moon. In this area, I would have directed the field searcher/scope and would soon have hit Uranus because it is very close to the ecliptic. For safety, I would have searched for the other two bluish stars of the constellation of Widder and examined whether the real Uranus would take their center.
But there’s a likelihood that it’s uranus, right? So 33,333%
No, not with absolute certainty.
Uranus is so weak that you cannot see him in Germany with the naked eye or a mobile phone.
I will not repeat myself for the third time: I HAVE WITH A TELESKOP BEOBACHTET!!!
After you looked at it with your telescope, I’d really believe it’s Uranus.
Like him (but now no telescope is on hand).
And also in Sky-Safari he looks quite like you pictured.
Three thumbs up.
And why do you write such meaningful information in any comment like here, and not as a supplement directly to the question?
But only now.
I added 😏
Very unlikely, although Uranus is actually located obliquely right under the moon. The Uranus is too small or too far away to produce such a bright image in an amateur instrument. Probably got a brighter star. Or do you work with professional devices in an observatory?
Since when are there blue stars?
Ok just looked, there are blue stars. But exactly where the moon is located there are only two other BLAUE stars that have approximately the same brightness. As the celestial body appears too large to be a star, I assume that it is uranus. What do you think?
It’s been a long time. Come on, tell me what you did. I’ve got two telescopes myself and I’m not completely unconscious.
Don’t make any comments.
Miranda has a brightness of 15.8.
So if you see Uranus, you don’t have to see Miranda for a long time.
Yes, details. You’ll see me waving with some luck. Count your fingers.
Good to know. Next time I take a 5x Barlow lens maybe it is then to see and I then maybe recognize a few details of the uranus with 1000x magnification 🙄😂
Schnubbel… Miranda is a moon of Uranus which is currently very close to Uranus. He should be on your picture.
And you start talking about a Miranda.
Don’t be unfriendly now. You are the one who has to ask what he saw with his expensive telescope.
what are you doing?
Then I wondered that Miranda is not visible.
Without GoTo system
Bresser Exos 2 203×1000
With a good telscope 😉
Could be.
This is Venus, our neighbor planet. Uranus cannot be seen with the naked eye.
The venus was already under the horizon at the time of the clock. And is venus blue?
also I used a telescopic