Could this be scabies?
Hello! Last year, I had scabies, and ever since, I've been very paranoid about it. The dermatologists are full, and my family doctor isn't even looking into it properly, so I wanted to ask here.
There is someone in my circle of friends who has scabies. I only shook hands with him, but others with whom I had physical contact also had physical contact with him.
I've been itching all over for a few days, but that usually happens this time of year.
Well, as you can see in the pictures labeled 1 & 2, I have 2 spots on my hand (yellowish to the naked eye). They each itched for a day and now they're just there. Could these be small scabies tunnels? The other pictures show the places where I have the most rash. I've been in contact with the people mentioned above for 5-6 weeks. Last year when I had scabies, I saw it in one large scabies tunnel, which didn't even get to the point where I got a rash. I'm really asking for help!! Can someone honestly give me an answer as to whether this could be scabies?
Please don't let me read that scabies has something to do with poor hygiene, because that's a myth and not true! I'm very careful about my hygiene, and always have been.
So scratch has nothing to do with hygiene so much so I would go with it to the doctor