Könnte das Hautkrebs sein?
Hallo, auf meiner Hand habe ich seit Jahren diesen Leberfleck und ich habe Angst ich könnte Hautkrebs haben weil da so ein schwarzer Punkt oben ist wie man im Bild erkennen kann, muss ich mir sorgen machen??
danke im Voraus 🙁
For me, it looks like a normal liver spot. You haven’t had it since yesterday.
The pictures I saw from skin cancer looked completely different. Skin cancer also does not remain in the area. It changes, grows . . .
Looks good for me for an ordinary mother. It would be advisable to visit a doctor.
I would recommend you to contact a doctor who can answer your question.
The best thing would be a skin doctor, as you have to wait for the appointments for a very long time, you can also let your pediatrician look at it. This would also have the advantage that he can leave you a transfer for a skin doctor.
I hope I could help you.
LG Markus
But does that look like it might be bad for you?
I’d let it be clear if this black spot has developed on this liver spot lately. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily have to be an indication of skin cancer.
LG Markus
if he’s been unchanged for years, it’s not a cancer – it would be, you’d probably be dead.
That’s pretty sure not evil, yet I’d ask a skin doctor.
Otherwise the fear of your constant companion remains.
Maybe your pediatrician can help you.
Whether you need to worry or not, you can ask a skin doctor.
You haven’t had the point since yesterday. Turn to your family doctor, because you don’t judge anything about a picture.