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It depends on where the sharpness comes from.
Black pepper, as much as I love the aroma, I do not contract. My tongue and throat feel like a.
I have no problems with Schoten (Chili, etc.).
I have similar problems with salt. I don’t get boiled salt, but normal salt is good.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
I wish a nice Sunday 🥰✨
Thank you.
I’ll do “Saltimbocca alla romana” with rosemary. It doesn’t get so sharp anyway.😇
Thank you. My wife is a grateful connoisseur. 😁
Sounds delicious ☺️
I wish you a lot of fun preparing and a good appetite. 🍀🌹
But of course there is a value for Scoville, which is too much for me. Sharp should be more enjoyable, so is my opinion.
Not like the one who is so sharp that it even wants to burn more than once. Yeah, I really know such a person. These conversations have often been too much for me.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Nice evening 🌆🥰
but I usually don’t like it very much. It’s not very sharp.
Thank you for your answer:)
Nice evening 🌆🌹🥰
Hello and good evening, !
I could eat everything once, even hot food. But I can’t do that anymore. In this respect: No, unfortunately not.
Thank you for your answer 😊
Have a nice evening
Yeah, I can eat hot and I can do it a lot.
I also like to cook sharp dishes and take spices from holiday countries. Chiliflakes or peppercorns, for example from the market in Thailand, have a completely different quality, taste and sharpness than many products that we can buy.
That’s why I don’t buy spices at the supermarket. I buy at the spice trader on the weekly market, in Asia shops or let them bring me from acquaintances/colleges (e.g. from India, Sri Lanka)
Wow, thanks for your great answer 🙂
Nice evening 🌆🌹
Thank you.
Without sharp food it would be boring 😅🤤. If it wasn’t, it would be pretty boring…
Thank you for your answer:)
Nice evening 🌇🥰
Always happy! 🙂
Thank you, too! 🌝🌌
As a Philippine, I’m used to having hot food, although it’s not that way with us besides people from Bicol. 🙈😁
In this time, sharp food from the everyday food of Philippine is a normal fact. In particular with this court of “Sisig “. 🙂
Wow, that looks super tasty 🤗
Thank you for your answer and wish a nice Sunday 🌺
I eat sharply every day and have no problem with it 🙂
Cool, thanks for your answer 🙂
I wish you a nice Sunday evening 🌆🥰
Thank you, too 🥰
I used to get it better. Nowadays not so much. When it gets too sharp, I feel the neck…then the enjoyment is gone at the food!
Okay, thanks for your answer 🙂
Beautiful Sunday still 🥰
You too!
I like to eat sharply, but too extreme it shouldn’t be, after all the food must taste good! I don’t like when it’s so sharp that it doesn’t have any taste anymore…
Thank you for your answer 🤗
Have a nice Sunday
No, I’m not.
Thank you for your answer 🥰
Nice evening 🌃🌹
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Have a nice evening
I wish you too:)
Not always. Depends. At home I eat sharply when I have something to neutralize.
Thank you for your answer 😊
Beautiful Sunday still 🤗🌺
If not so sharp, I can eat it
Thank you very much for your answer └
Beautiful Sunday evening 🌆🥰
Thank you
But I don’t know why you should be eating hot in this country. It’s covering the whole special taste of the ingredients.
Thank you for your answer:)
Have a good Sunday
I love hot food. Just tastes good.🌶️🌶️😋😋
Thank you for your answer:)
I wish you a nice Sunday evening 🌆🥰
But not too sharp.
Thank you for your answer 🥰
Nice afternoon 🌇🤗
Thank you, too.
I don’t agree
Thank you for your answer:)
Beautiful day still 🤗🥰
Thank you very much
But really sharp. Find Peperoni who can buy m at the store, much too mild.
Are you smoking?
No, why?
Thank you for your answer. 🥰
So I really can’t handle anything sharp and would break out in tears at the Peperoni 🙈.
In Germany, however, the sharpness is not as extreme as in other cultures, you are right. :
I wish you a wonderful Sunday. 🍀🌺
uff that hurts
That’s why I asked you. Calm down!
In the case of strong smokers, the taste pupils on the tongue have usually also been in sympathy and no longer notice when it is sharp.
What does that have to do with that I like to eat sharply?
Because strong smokers eat very sharply.
I don’t agree
Thank you for your answer:)
Nice evening 🌆🥰
I wish you
I can eat sharply and since I was a child 😊
Yesterday I also prepared a sharp sauce and it tasted really hot
Great, thanks for your answer 🙂
I wish you a wonderful afternoon
Gerne, also 😊🌹
I like sharp food very much
Thank you for your answer 🙂
I wish you a nice day 🌺🥰
Chilli Jalapeno on top
Thank you for your answer ☺️
Beautiful Sunday still 🌺✨
In Germany it is still, unlike the Asian countries.
I thank you for your answer and wish you a wonderful day. 🥰🌹
I can eat hot, yes.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
I wish you a nice day └✨
Depends on what you mean “sharf”!
It shouldn’t be too sharp because you don’t taste anything anymore and the body reacts and suffers! The limit is – probably – different for every person!
I like to eat sharply, but I also have my limits! And it is good to know its borders!
You’re right.
I would like to thank you for your answer and wish you a nice Sunday
You like to eat what you are. 🥵😏
Okay 🙈
Thank you for your answer and wish you a nice day. 🤗
Since you can no longer enjoy the good taste before loud sharpness
Thank you for your answer:)
Beautiful day still 🥰
and cook even very often sharp dishes.
Thank you for your answer 🥰
Beautiful Sunday still 🌺🌹
Very happy – You also have a nice Sunday :-))
Doesn’t look sharp
Thank you for your answer ☺️
Beautiful Sunday still 🌺✨
Thank you. Also a nice rest Sunday 😃
But I don’t have to eat hot every day.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Nice evening 🌃🥰
Please, please.
Wishes also a nice evening.
may not exaggerate sharp
Thank you for your answer:)
Beautiful Sunday still 🌺🌆
rather mild
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Have a nice Sunday
If it keeps within the framework. Too hot food turns me off. Chilli doesn’t have to be.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Nice day still 🥰 🥰 🌸 🌸
I like a reasonable sharpness. That’s why I got a mill with Chilis at the table.
But if you just taste sharp, I don’t need it. I’m sorry to eat.
I thank you for your answer:)
I wish you a nice day
comes to the sharpness. we don’t eat so hot anymore. Previously, the eyes had torn and the nose ran.
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Beautiful day still 🍀✨
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Nice evening 🌃☺️
I also wish you