Könnt ihr mit von euren Erfahrungen einer Wurzelspitzenresektion erzählen?
Meine Zahnärztin meinte ich muss eine Wurzelbehandlung machen, bald ist die OP aber da steht Wurzelspitzenresektion und jetzt frage ich mich ob dasselbe gemeint war.Ausserdem interessiert mich wie das so als Patient ist, zb Schmerzen danach
I know. The pine will be stunned well. The pine is being drilled, which is quite rolling in the head. Then the root tip is cut off. It cannot be stunned, but it does not hurt insanely either. Then it’ll be sewn again. It hurts. I don’t know how long I was sick. A few days. You can’t drive after that because the anesthesia is a real hammer. Good and good improvement!
How long can you drive??? Thank you for the answer! very helpful
In any case, you can’t go home by car directly after that. Ask best in practice before I say something wrong:) Happy OP!
Thank you very much
Thank you, I highlight the answer as the most helpful as soon as possible!
No, that’s two different treatments.
Does the tooth that should be treated already have a root canal treatment? Or should a root canal treatment and a root tip resection be managed in one session?
There are usually 2 treatments. A root canal treatment is not an surgery and a root tip resection (OP) is only made if the tooth is strongly ignited and a root canal treatment has been made beforehand.
No, these are both different treatments
Root treatment – there the nerve is killed and the rest treated if you are lucky, then it works and if not, then the tooth is pulled
Root tip resection – this is an surgery where you open the jaw to get to the root tip from below, both I have experienced
And how was the root tip infection? Especially because of the pain in the after?
I’ve had very bad experiences, I’ve had pain without end, but I’m the problem, I don’t have pain medications to help, but it doesn’t have to be like that with you, it’s been more than 15 years ago.