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Beweis mit ggT?
Liebe Mathematiker, zu dieser Aufgabe hätte ich gern ein feedback, ob das ein gangbarer Weg wäre oder, falls nicht, würde ich mich über einen Tipp für einen solchen sehr freuen! Danke!
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Term vereinfachen?
Hallo kann mir jemand die Aufgabe 11 Nummer d bis i erklärten
Prozentrechnung hilfe bitte? Help?
Die aufgabe lautet: berechnen sie den gesantumsatz netto in euro bei einem umsatzstwuersat von 19%ergebnis soll 12.580 sein komme iwie nicht drauf gesamtumsatz brutto 14.970,20€ barumsatz brutto 6.811,44€ umsatz girocard brutto 5.913,23€ umsatz kreditkarte brutto 2.245,53€ anzahl kunden 185
I’m sorry to say that, but it’s very unreadable
Can you send it again?
that are the tasks
difficult planning
Lester is responsible for the utilisation analysis of a large airline.
After a large evaluation, he notes that only about 89% of all tickets booked are also used on routes that are mainly used by business people. This means that 11% of all tickets booked on these routes are unused, so that even in booked aircraft seats remain free. A strong piece.
The airline therefore wants to launch a pilot project on a route to optimize the taking situation. The route is flown by an aircraft with 150 passenger seats
Task 1:
Calculate the probability that the aircraft is fully occupied on a flight (all tickets have been sold).
From this result, Lester concludes that it is a good idea to sell just more tickets than places are available. He’s a crazy boy.
Task 2:
Describe the negative consequences for the airline from Lester’s plan.
Calculate the probability that the negative consequences will occur when the airline sells 160 tickets for the flight.
Task 3:
Calculate the number of seats required in the aircraft so that a space can be made available to all 160 ticket owners with a probability of 99%
Can’t be a push