Könnt ihr mir Horror filme empfehlen?
Ich bin 14 und habe ein paar Horror Filme geschaut. Auch letztens zwei im Kino. Ich habe das Gefühl ich bin Immun gegen Horrorfilme. Ich will mich einfach mal gruseln. Klar bei Jumpscares erschrecke ich mich manchmal, bei gewissen Filmen frage ich mich was ich da für ein Fieber schaue wie z.b bei I Sam The Tv Glow und Midsommar.
Empfehlt mir einfach Horrorfilme die mit Atmosphäre spielen (Arthouse geht auch)
Filme die ihr mir nicht mehr empfehlen müsst: Midsommar, I saw the tv glow, Insidious, The First Omen, Alien, Alien Romulus, Der Weisse Hai, Blair Witch Project, Scream
For brutality:
Terrifier 1&2, Martyrs (2008), I Saw the Devil, Mandy, The Devil’s Rejects.
The Descent (2005) – Claustrophobic atmosphere and jump cares properly used
Last but not least, my favourite: Pulse (2001)
Probably the creepiest horror movie for me. Pulse does not need cheap shock effects or serial killers running around with a knife. Nevertheless, this film will bore or even confuse the average viewer. Pulse is neither linear nor logical and does not explain everything that happens, but it does not. I don’t know how to turn a horror movie about loneliness and make him creepy, but Kiyoshi Kurosawa did it.
Pulse is best seen when the light is switched off, without breaks, noise or distractions.
Thank you. Pulse is just that horror secret tip I needed. I just saw him on Dailymotion and the movie also had one of the creepiest scenes ever. And with headphones the movie is completely different I’m just saying, But the movie lost me a bit when CGI was used. For example, at the end of the plane. But you have to say that the movie is a little older and not had so much budget.
The production costs are not known to me, and I have found nothing on the Internet. But that the movie was cheap was clearly visible. I’m glad you liked the movie
It’s not really creepy, but I recommend the Resident Evil movies. The first three were great, I celebrated the vibe so much
Is all parts currently on Netflix, but they like to take them off and down again
From next week Alien trilogy start again. She is not a real trilogy, but I want more (and hopefully nobody else) You do not take in the storyline that currently consists of 4 main films, and two followers for explanation.
Alien-the creepy being is the first movie of the main series if you do not want to spoil the tension in a read-only manner.
The Descent, I found from the athmosphere, enough grim.
First of all, the end (at the FSK18 version) is strong again.
I could imagine that one can strengthen scary effects by looking at such films under unfavorable conditions, hungry, freezing, tired.
The Descent
Jeepers Creepers
Final destination
The hills have eyes
Wrong Turn
Frozen – Ice Age
Bloodred Massacre, The Echo, Smiley run on YouTube and I found it very well. Scaring doesn’t hurt me anymore, but maybe that’s something for you.
it has quite a reason that many horror films have an age limit (FSK)
Therefore: No recommendation!
Hereditary and The Empty Man from the atmosphere are two very gripping films.
Look at the original of 1976.
Hostel😉For fear choose 0000/444444😂😉
The Midnight Meat Train.
The exorcist.
Sinister 1