Könnt ihr mir helfen bei meinem Fantasy Buch?
Ich schreibe momentan an meinem Buch in dem die Leute magische Fähigkeiten besitzen. Ich möchte allerdins noch, dass man wie eine Schwäche hat wenn man die Magie einsetzt oder einfach allgemein eine Schwäche besitzt.
Ich brauche für folgende Fähigkeiten noch eine Schwäche:
- Elektrizität kontrollieren
- Mental Kräfte ( Gefühle spüren und leicht Gedanken lesen)
- von Schatten zu Schatten springen
- Licht manipulieren also auch so Illusionen und so
habt ihr Ideen? Ausserdem brauche ich noch eine fünfte Fähigkeit die etwas spezieller ist (nicht so etwas wie Elemente oder so).
Ich freue mich auf eure Ideen!
Fifth skill: Infinite money and where the figure goes crashes the economy and the figure is still never rich.
The figure itself could not be immune to the effect of electricity, and for this, the electricity, although it can control it, could be very unpredictable, which is why it must always be careful not to settle or burn itself. It would then have to deal very much with electricity and its properties and protect itself by special clothing.
The figure could quickly be overwhelmed in large crowds or in very emotional moments. It could therefore be very quickly exhausted and often have trouble distinguishing its own feelings and thoughts from those strangers. For example, if someone behaves aggressively towards her, she could also become aggressive as she perceives the feelings as hers.
I wouldn’t take light as a weakness because the shadow would not exist without light. I would rather take darkness than weakness
Here too, you could take darkness as a weakness and have such an interesting interface between light and shadow.
Unfortunately, I only have standard ideas for this:
Light weakens one and can kill one if you are exposed to light too long.
The skin burns (like sunburn) when you come into contact with water.
The feelings can go over to one and you feel stronger what the other feels. The thoughts can overtone one’s own so that one doesn’t know what one thinks. In addition, you can sleep badly through the thought noise and feeling storm when others are nearby.
Fifth capacity: accelerate growth, promote construction projects. (In the sense of, one builds something (on) and lets unconscious magic flow in it, making it stronger, faster in growth, more beautiful and more stable, in plants bigger and more profitable).
Would you have an idea for light manipulation?
So far only the opposite of the shadow, so… If I remember, I’ll write.
He can never hide? Is always visible as if he was a headlight in the dark, no matter what he does?
Thank you