Könnt ihr mir gebisslose Zäume für mein Pferd empfehlen?
Ich habe mich seit ein Paar wochen entschieden meinen 22 jährigen Traber nichtmehr so viel zu Reiten. Dennoch möchte ich ab und zu Ausreiten gehen. Habe mir vor Kurzem ein Knotenhalfter zugelegt dennoch ist es nichts für ihn und mich beim Reiten.
Wenn es geht könnt ihr mir gute hochwertige Marken empfehlen von gebisslosen zäumen. Englisch oder Western Style ist völlig egal.
A knotneck is more than sharp.
Moving without leverage – hors-e-motions website! (romy-wirtz.de)
In principle, the lining must also fit the horse.
With a rather soft sidepull/lindel, you usually do nothing wrong – if you have understood how to handle it.
Like that. Mix & Match Sidepull – Western Riding – Krämer Pferdesport (kraemer.de)
And if you want to have something more high-quality… Balancios Archive – Balanced Horseman Shop (balanced-horseman.de) My favorite.
the latter is a mixture of the merotic and a micklem. the pine belt triggers to chew. is not necessary.
but this part has many rings and is therefore versatile.
The Gana strap keeps the jaw strap away from the eye and stabilizes the body.
The Balancios have absolutely zero to do with the merothic zum – a firmer sidepull with Kappzaum function, which actually does not slip.
I also have the latter and can also recommend
I think it’s not suitable for any head shape of the horse, but for hechtkopf types or horses with far sideways eyes I think this is appropriate.
traber have eyes placed in the usually rather far forward.
and as I said – the versatility of this zaum speaks for itself.
Who rides with knots? Vllt should first make you smart, what there is and what purpose what is meant. What you want, what suits your horse. Don’t automatically mean gentle and horse-friendly.
Please consider, especially if an older horse no longer does so much it goes relatively fast with abmuscles, contraction reduction,…. In any case, healthier for the horse is regular work, for shorter, and indeed God does not have to be maximum achievements than only 1 o. 2x/week up there and then 2 h out. It also goes on the long rein or biteless, so that the back does not have any training, but has loads.
merotic reithalfter.
JEDER Zaum, whether with or without a bite, has its own effect. The selection depends on where the strengths and weaknesses as well as goals of rider and horse lie. In particular, if horses are relatively untrained, because largely taken out of training, even more attention is needed in the selection, because one can no longer rely on them to seek out the health-optimized wearing from themselves and to help them in the course of their elite skills.