Könnt ihr mir bei einer Aufgabe helfen?

Könntet ihr mir bei den folgenden Sätzen sagen wo das Prädikat, das Subjekt und das Akkusativobjekt ist?

Hier bitte danke:

1. Katrin schmeckt die Lasagne

2. Mein Papa ist Bäcker

3. Ich gehe in die Schule

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10 months ago

Subject: Who or What?

Predikat: What is done? (Conjugated/Brained verb in the sentence)

Battery: Who or What? (object)

  1. Katrin tastes the lasagna
  2. My dad is Sugar
  3. I Go to school
10 months ago
Reply to  Jannis956

Who or what would it be, nominative.

Who or what is baker?

My father

9 months ago

In my opinion, there is no battery object at all,
My dad’s a baker.
My Papa = subject
= predicate
Bäcker = Equatorial
Katrin tastes the lasagna. =
the Lasagne = who or what tastes = nominative = subject
tastes = predicate
Katrin = who tastes it = Dativob

I’m going to school.
I = who = subject
Go = Predicated
in the school = where = adverbial supplement, is not an object in the real sense

10 months ago

1. Predikat: decorated

Subject: Katrin

Rechargeable object: the Lasagne

Two. Predicate: is

Subject: My Papa

No battery object

3. Predicate: go

Subject: I

Accurate object: to school

Everything was analyzed by an AI. Use at your own risk! I don’t know if it’s right!

10 months ago
Reply to  FragenPhantom

The lasagna is nominative. Or not? Who or what tastes? The lasagna.

10 months ago

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