Könnt ihr meine Inhaltsangabe zum Liebeslyrik korriegieren?
Hey Guys,
brauche eure Hilfe. Wir schreiben am Donnerstag leider eine Deutscharbeit zum Thema: Gedichte und genauer gesagt zum Liebeslyrik. Ich habe für mich eine Probearbeit geschrieben nun muss mir jmd es korriegieren. Wäre nett wenn jmd von euch Profis helft es zu kontrollieren. Das Gedicht könnt ihr im Anhang finden und eine TalkingToTheText Methode auch. Bitte korriegiert alles und gibt vlt bitte Rats wenn ich die auch brauche. Und noch: Guckt euch das erste Foto an, dort steht alles was wir in einer Inhaltsangabe schreiben müssen.
Bitte antwortet so schnell wie möglich, denn ich muss mir es angucken und es korriegieren. Dankeschön.
Sherbek O.
For people who are lazy to write the text:
In the poem “the broken ring” by Joseph von Eichendorff from an unknown year, it is about a lyrical me that has a depression for his lovers.
The poem begins with a lyrical me. He tells that the mill wheel where his in love has lived empty and she has disappeared. Continue with the ring that jumped from the fingers of the lyrical-I because she left him. In the third stanza he wants to travel through the world and go from houses to houses. In the penultimate stanza he wants to fly as a rider and lie next to fire in the dark. He finally wants to die because he doesn’t know what to do.
(Main part)
The lyrical I suffers all the time with sadness because his lover has left him. You can learn that it has loved her strongly because he is always under depression like at the end (v.18-19,, I don’t know what I want, I love to die). You can’t learn anything about the lover of Lyric-I, you just know she left him. But how you don’t know.
In the poem there is a lyrical-I that tells about itself all the time and his in love about which you almost learn nothing.
The poem consists of five verses with four verses each. Overall it has 20 verses and the metrum is a three-high jambus. You can immediately realize that this is not a sonnet because it has four, five verses instead. The rhyme scheme in the first four verses is a cross-reim. In the last stanza there is no fixed reimbursement scheme, which is funny because there you can already see his depression (V.19, “I love to die”).
From the headline you can immediately think that there is something sad in the poem because of “, “broken ring” . This is exactly what happens, because when she left the lyrical I, his ring has jumped out of his fingers (V. 7-8 ,, “She has broken the treasury, My little ring jumped away”).
You can find many linguistic means in the poem where most effects are sad. First the metaphors almost come (V.3 , My love is gone), it wants to say that his lovers have left him or perhaps died. (V.8 , My Ringlein jumped off) it means he threw the ring away. Finally (v.17 , “Listen to the mill wheel”), that means that the mill wheel is just turning and working. All these metaphors seem sad, because his beloved first went, then his ring jumped before sadness and finally he hears the mill wheel without help. Then the comparisons (v. 9 ,, travel as a gamer) and V.13 , “fail as a rider”) come. They look just as sad as the metaphors, because they are actually his unreal wishes that he cannot fulfill. Then the anaphers (V.11-12 ,, “and” and V.18-19 , “I”), act helplessly as the lyrical me in the fall. He can do nothing against his depression and will helplessly and the readers will also feel that they are helpless. Finally, the Enjambements (V.1-2, V.9-10, V.13-14 and V.15-16) still come. You will be completely breathless, just like the lyrical me at these moments.
Due to my analysis results, I can say that the poem is very sad because the lyrical I is almost always under sadness and depression. The sound in the poem is: quiet, calm and sad. At many moments you can think what would happen to you if you were in the place of the lyrical-me, so it’s still emotional. Unlike in the poem, you always worry about the lyrical me. Personally, I find that the poem is readable and interesting because you do not know what happens to the lyrical-I when reading. In the end, it says that it even wants to die and at this moment you can even break out into tears.
Always please
Are you serious? 😡
I kindly asked you to write down your text so that you can take away a lot of work from the people (for example), who voluntarily and free of charge for you. Imagine you’d have to put a handwritten text on a website with your smartphone to correct it – and that’s all for a strange person who doesn’t have to pay for it and has needed two minutes to upload a few photos!
There are not many people who correct such extensive texts in terms of content and language, and even less, correct the poem interpretations completely. I’m part of it and you’re keeping me laziness?
You should urgently think about what is natural and what is not!
… I wrote this as fun unf wanted to insult no one 😔 But if it insulted you, then I’m sorry 🥺🤧
With your “hee” Joke?
But it’s good that this thing is clear now.