Könnt ihr mein IQ schätzen durch meine Antworten?
Hallo, mal wieder eine Frage diesmal eine rein rhetorische Frage könnt ihr mein IQ anhand meiner Antworten schätzen ?
Wenn ja dann klickt unten auf die gegebene Antwortmöglichkeiten, wenn nein begründet dies bitte.
Mit Freundlicher Zuversicht Freier.
No, for example, I have an IQ of 120 and my chrackter doesn’t fit that I’m screwed up my pronunciation is sometimes funny and in math I don’t give a shit about it you couldn’t recognize on a text (no worries have a smart side 🥲) and trz lay my results this month down to 120 or something
IQ is a Ratio whose denominator is the age.
So no, don’t go.
This would not only be inconvenient but also extremely rude.
So, you can also emphasize that it sounds polite.
If you would only consider your questions and answers for an estimate, that would be a rather incomplete picture.
If you suspect that you are above average intelligent – you can test this – with a psychologist or mensa.de.
I know is supposed to be a rhetorical question.. But even they can be answered. And whoever uses the gender does not give a lFick to the German language anyway.
Sometimes I recognize inferior complex people based on their assessment.
Here you can apply the phrase “The singer’s courtesy is swung, when you look at the spelling and also the question……A rhetorical question is just rhetorical, so don’t ask any answer….The theme selection is extremely strange…… well, as always.
It can only be better!
A purely rhetorical question, but then you give me an answer?
That’s a comment 😉 Only intelligence beasts know the difference;-)
With the spelling, you seem to have not….
You don’t need a high-intelligent flyer either. 😉
I appreciate your IK on 60.
Okay interesting.
Now we just need to clarify what is an IK.
Actually, not because the answer is already brought about in the sense already processed.
That means intelligence Kuotient.
If so, then “Kwozjent” 😁
I’ll see you as a cleaning force in Harvard.
I’ve made the trouble to read your last answers
I don’t know what to say
Well, a reason why this is so according to your opinion would not hurt 🙂
Read it to yourself again by perhaps you notice it yourself
Yes, but if you’re already telling me that my IQ is inferior, I also hope for a justification and improvement.