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I’m working a lot. Mostly cuddly animals or even other things when my family wants something.
When I was a kid, I didn’t know if I could do that, but the basics would have to be there.
I’ve suffocated, too, and I should get there.
Hats, scarves and the like
Shirts etc not. But I never had an interest in that, because I just don’t like the style.
Crochet and knit. At least I’ll get there. I used to do a lot. Especially sweater knitted.
And knit, stick and stitch
Also knit and stick.
Crochet and embroidery I found stupid, I used to knit often (shoes, socks, sweaters, baby tools, etc), but it’s been forever.
I love it; I can also knit fifa️
As a teenager, I crocheted.
And knitted.
Yes, I can, also knitting, embroidery and sewing
Just simple things like pots
Crochet, knit and sew.
Slowly I feel straight
The question was immediately displayed to me 😃😃
Was grad on mobile phone xD
I wrote this one second ago 😂
I can crochet and stick.