Könnt ihr gut Geschenke 🎁 verpacken?
Also ich für mein Teil wenn die Geschenke nicht Quadratisch Praktisch Gut sind dann habe ich echt große Probleme sie zu verpacken 😅😂
Also ich für mein Teil wenn die Geschenke nicht Quadratisch Praktisch Gut sind dann habe ich echt große Probleme sie zu verpacken 😅😂
Hallo, Vater beleidigt mich weil ich Vegan lebe. Wenn ich vegan koche sagt er ich bin ein saublödes Ars****** und ein Nixnutz. Was sollte ich machen?
Hey ihr Lieben😊 Ich habe eine Frage wo ich mir ein bisschen unsicher bin wie ich damit umgehen soll. Wir wohnen in einem Mehrfamilienhaus mit ganz vielen Wohnungen und haben halt gefühlt ständig neue Nachbarn. Seit fünf Wochen wohnt eine alleinerziehende Frau mit ihrer 6 Jährigen Tochter zwei Wohnungen neben uns. Die Frau ist selber…
Quelle Allergene: Senf, Gluthen, Soja, Sulfite
Zuerst: ich weiß es heißt mittlerweile antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung “Mein” Kind ist 5 Jahre alt. Er ist extrem auffällig. (in einer anderen Frage habe ich bereits meinen Partner beschrieben welcher ein psychopath ist) Ich kenne mich also aus mit den meisten symptomen etc. Hier zuerst seine hintergrundgeschichte: Er ist entstanden daraus das ein bekannter von mir…
Es ist nicht so, dass ich irgendwie Angst im Dunkeln habe oderso, aber es ist einfach nicht schön. Es fehlt mir einfach das Gefühl von Wärme und Geborgenheit. Aber wenn ich mich an meinen Bruder rankuschel, schlafe ich innerhalb von 5 Minuten ein. Ist das normal?
…and I love to pack gifts. Unfortunately it becomes less and less, son (18) makes the driver’s license and prefers money and has no real material wishes and my friend and I – well – you know this: “I have everything, I need nothing…”
But at some point, hopefully grandchildren come and then Grandma beats again with many gifts in great packaging 😉👍😂
Yes as soon as the grandchildren are there it will run again
I learned from my mom. She always says she can’t do that well, but it always looks great when she packs something. I can do that too, it’s just gonna take me a little.
Yeah works well, it’s fun, and the entertained had always enjoyed it so far.
Although I can.
But I’ll let you pack or use gift bags.
It always works. In doubt, you have to be creative, but that’s nothing bad, right? ðŸTM‚
If the rectangular is not a problem.
in other forms I do harder but somehow it works, or they come into a gift bag
I love packing gifts. I like to improvise. I’ll take what I just got so tangible and make a package that fits the recipient. This can be newspaper paper (with a readable article whose content matches the gift), an old cigar box or cigarette box (for smokers), alu film (for backfanatics), a balloon (for children, you pick it up, it bangs and the gift falls out), a bottle when it fits in, with self-written label, etc. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The creative idea counts. I’ve been thinking about getting a present in a drone. But that was too complicated to me because I myself have no drone.
I think I can do it very well because that looks so aesthetic at the end and I would actually keep the gift but well.🤗✨🤣
LG Hanzade2011🤗✨🫶🏻
… depends on what and what. But it usually works fine. At least others said it to me.
I think.
You don’t always have to pack it in paper. There are also other possibilities, such as on a wooden plate with decoration. and such gifts are well received.
Let’s go….
Sometimes I get this really wonderful. Sometimes it looks like a primary student tries to pack the gift “other”.
This looks really bad but good last year the first time the gifts packed by myw brothers were shocked 😅😅😅
Doesn’t look bad, but beautiful they aren’t
Not very good but good.
Packed all the gifts yesterday.
I’m lucky I’ve improved something in it. Früßer looked at my packing skills rather moderately.
I pack gifts with love, not with style. Two left hands greet.
It’s usually good and people are happy. I think that’s the main thing.
Yeah, I can. Decades of Exercise 😊
Everything that is not rectangular and rather flat looks terrible with me, so I often use gift bags
Although I’m not clumsy, I have two left hands when packing.
My strengths are somewhere else. (If I only knew where!)
According to my experience, women can be better.
Sometimes I need a number of approaches, but at some point something’s gonna come out. With too difficult shapes I like to take back gift bags, which is better for my nerve costume.
It’s pure for me. I usually buy where gifts are packaged right away
It’s good that there’s more people like me. 😂🤔
I think so.
Unfortunately there was no time for it…. :/
It looks terrible.
All gift packages are always very lovingly decorated by me!
I’m just wrapping everything in Panzertape
Cleaner than you.
Your gifts are only packed with self-pity
If you mean you caterpillar;)
You nasal monkey with thick layers of fat
You Pavian with ass face
You Orange Utan with horse maul
Good you chimpanzeee with hair loss
Good you tough chimpanzeee
Yes I mean you fat worm
I love packing gifts.