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Never tried.
The music comes from a “cassette” with pre-programmed “notes”, which are guided over a “tone head”, whereby the individual instruments in the organ are beaten according to the notes: music is created. A fully mechanical “Midi synthesizer”.
The crank drives the drive with the music notes and at the same time supplies the necessary energy to the instruments (e.g. via bubble balls for the pipes. Some hurdles also have drums and bell games in them.
Accordingly, it is crucial to turn this crank evenly at the right speed, because the music otherwise eates.
It shouldn’t be so easy and it’ll be embarrassing if you can’t.
It’s probably also called “Leierkasten” xD.
Compared to other musical instruments, it should be easy because you have to “just” turn the crank and the box ensures the right sound at the right place. ^^
No, but I’ve just seen a turnout in town a short time ago. It was about the Christmas season and the Christmas songs were just fantastic. 🎵😊
A correct mechanical organ must be turned evenly. The modern hurdles use midi files. Only the bellows is operated with the crank.
No, I just played clarinet for a short time.
Even the halunks from Pippi Langstrumpf were able to play. Can’t imagine that it’s difficult
No, but I would like to try out
Me too:)
I tried this as a teen, and I had a quick turn.
You have to find the right swing.
I’ve never tried it before, but I don’t think it’s really hard.