Könnt ihr Augen lasern empfehlen?

Hallo, ich bin m/20 und kurzsichtig. Meine Werte sind dank harter Kontaktlinsen seit 2 Jahren stabil bei 6,5 Dioptrien. Ich habe (auf eigenem Wunsch) meine Augenärztin gefragt, was sie vom Augen lasern haltet.

Sie meinte, die Stabilitäts-Voraussetzung werde ich bald erfüllen, sie wird mir weder eine Empfehlung abgeben, noch es ohne Voruntersuchung blockieren. Hab mich also informiert und bin auf die Augenklinik in München gestoßen, die mit der SmileEyes Methode arbeiten.

Hat schon jemand Erfahrung generell mit dem Augen lasern gehabt oder kennt sich damit gut aus? Ich werde noch mindestens bis 23 warten, aber sollte ich mir mal Geld zur Seite gelegt haben, werde ich sicherlich mal eine Voruntersuchung machen.

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2 years ago

Waiting till 23 or 25 is certainly not a bad idea. And then, in any case, a detailed consultation should follow and always a second opinion. You always have to have in mind that it also earns money.

2 years ago

The longer your values are stable, the more sensible the OP. Personally, I find the variant to be implanted lenses much better, however, this is also a corner more expensive.

2 years ago
Reply to  HorseRiver

I paid for using the lenses 6000€, the costs are in principle the same as lasers only that will be added to the lenses with just under 1000€ per piece (prices vary according to type)

The first consultation is free of charge with most practices, so you go, they examine you and then tell you what variants they would recommend and also make you an estimate. With this you have a few facts in your hand and then you can decide and save on what you want.

2 years ago

My daughter and a friend of mine have let their eyes laser, with good success. Both are satisfied with the result, both were also in an eye clinic, I find that important to let it be done by professionals.

2 years ago

I had an surgery a couple of years ago because I wanted to get rid of the appendage of glasses. Also for short-sightedness.

The TransLasek– It cost me around 3,600. The method of implanting lenses would have to be around 7,000 – but it has the advantage that you can take them out at the higher age if the dioptric number changes again.

It would be important to mention that lasering is associated with incredible pain. First, one eye is lasered, then you have 4 to 6 days of pain of death, it stashes, it tears, you can’t sleep, etc.

After a week, the second eye came to me, again up to a week of unbearable pain.

Nevertheless, I do not regret it, because since then I have seen perfect – without any help. =)

2 years ago
Reply to  HorseRiver

Yes, the pain is not to be underestimated, it surprises me that nobody mentioned this. The doctor informs you about this and if you are too unstable or have depression, then it can be that the surgery is rejected because you feel after the surgery for 2 weeks no longer “live” wants xD

2 years ago
Reply to  Parthenoz

Wearing a glasses would not be a reason for me at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarryXXX

Joa, I’ve just been annoyed to carry this hook every day, and you can’t forget that the glasses have constantly running costs. New frame, new glasses, adjustment of glasses etc.

So I don’t regret the surgery =)

2 years ago

I never used contact lenses. That would have been too cumbersome. In the end, everyone has to decide for themselves. One should just remember that today there are also various laser discounters, which of course will never be guessed. I’ve never seen glasses as addiction. But that’s just my opinion, and it doesn’t have to share everyone.

2 years ago

It wasn’t a beauty surgery. I didn’t do this for aesthetic reasons, because the glasses are quite attractive. As I said, I did the surgery for my part only because it disturbed me to always be dependent on it.

If the surgery were for beauty reasons, I wouldn’t have done it, I would have worn contact lenses. But there is also the same problem, every evening you stand in front of the mirror, you have to take it out, put it back in. I did the surgery for reasons of “independence”.

2 years ago

This is of course all the point of view. Every surgery has a certain risk, as small as it may be. I’ve been a wearer since I was five years old. I’ve never felt this as a particularly troublesome, rather than a garment. Nothing the less I have two eye-ops in the next few weeks. But certainly not voluntarily and certainly not for any beauty reasons. Yeah, and I’ve been lasered in my eyes. But I wouldn’t have come to the idea that I’d let go of glasses. But in the last few decades the attitude towards beauty surgery has changed in general.

2 years ago

My cousin had let him do in London, he’s endlessly thrilled.

2 years ago

If it’s not paid by the sickness fund, I wouldn’t do it.

I find the extremely risky to have something done in my eyes, which is not absolutely necessary.


Walk around for a day with a blindfold. Then you know what I mean!

If there’s something going wrong, you might be blind or don’t look right for the rest of your life.

I’d rather put on glasses first!

2 years ago

I don’t know myself, but I know about two people in my environment who are very happy with it.