Können zwei Katzen vier Monate alt nachts alleine in einem Zimmer schlafen
Können meine zwei kitten vier Monate alt Nachts alleine in einem Zimmer schlafen?
Ich habe mir vor 3 Tagen zwei Katzen (7 Monate alt) vom Tierheim geholt. Da sie vom Ausland kamen, wurden sie lange transportiert und haben sich eingenässt. So musste ich sie am ersten Tag leider gleich baden. Seitdem verstecken sich die beiden unter dem Sofa. Sobald ich ausser Haus bin oder in der Nacht kommen…
Hallo mein Kater staubst mich jeden Tag leicht mit seinem Köpfchen (also nicht hart und auch nicht aggressiv) ich finde das voll süß verstehe aber nicht was es es bedeutet
Looking for good ideas for making a cat toy that the cats will have fun with for a long time and for which you don’t need to buy anything. Any ideas?
mein Hund hat vorhin was an der Straße gefressen und ich mache mir Sorgen, dass es ihm nicht so gut geht. Wie kann ich feststellen, ob er irgendwie Bauchschmerzen hat oder sowas
Of course, they’ll be fine by themselves
Yeah, you don’t have to worry. They are old enough and do not need their mother anymore. Our cat babies (2weeks) are usually the night without mother. That doesn’t matter.
And if one dies again, it’s half as wild.
They don’t die peacefully. You’re just healthy and yes. They just sleep and in the morning comes the mother and they get milk all day
Seriously? With two weeks, the eyes are only open, that’s certainly pure stress for them.
No, they’ve been on
I always thought 10-14 days
Poor cats.
It’s bad enough.
I know that kittens are dying and they’re killing them outside.
You could just act responsibly.
“and constantly die kitten ” I said keep you out of it. It was once and as you said, you don’t know how she lives.
She is exposed and constantly dying kittens, of course she lives in stress.
She doesn’t live in permanent stress. You don’t know my cat. She’s better than many other cats. Many cats live on the street and many cats live in a small 1 room apartment alone. That’s not nice. Ours have a lot better. She’s not alone can go out and go in when she wants. She gets different food because this is less meat in the store.
Get out of things that don’t hurt you. If you want to change something, make yourself useful in your life and don’t write bad down comments.
You don’t even notice that your cat lives in long-term stress.
I hope this can finally be her last litter.
Yeah, they can.
Of course! Why wouldn’t that work?
They cuddle together. Don’t worry.