Können xtc Pillen ihre Wirksamkeit verlieren?
Eine Freundin von mir hat 2 in ihrem Zimmer und sagt sie will die bis nächstes Jahr Sommer aufheben damit sie dann keine neuen mehr holen muss. Aber verlierne die nicht bei 1nem Jahr liegezeit in der Kommode ihre Wirksamkeit?
Dnake im vorraus
MDMA is a stable molecule; It does not absorb any moisture from the air at all. Only if she had it in direct sunlight would it slowly collapse, but if you simply kept it in a normal place, it will happen nix.
If they are stored cool, temperature-stable, dark and air-tight, they are durable forever. This applies to many substances, which is why it doesn’t matter that you may not know exactly what is contained in these pills.
Maybe interesting:
Can I honestly not imagine the parts you buy in the end defect have been in traffic forever, which are sent by half the world in part
Easy to store cool and dry, then it should fit