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2 years ago

Wolves can even raise significantly larger animals than horses. Here’s a video of buffalo hunting. Animals that can weigh up to a ton.

Wolves are not domestic dogs, but wild animals with an involuntary force and wisdom.

If you don’t walk in front of the wall, you’ll keep your horses in the stable at night.

And whoever does not, his animals are not important to him. For there are other dangers for them than wolves.

2 years ago

Without seeing it before… why not?

Wolves hunt in ruins and very good tactics. You can easily separate a larger animal from the herd, drive in front of yourself, attake and at the right moment put a throat bite.

2 years ago

Wolves chase normally in the toboggan and they are also used to cut off their flocks and overwhelm them.

2 years ago

Individual wolves would probably not raise a healthy wild animal from the size of a horse. In the pack of sick animals or in horses on the coupling, wolves also exploit horses or horse-sized animals.

2 years ago

To the suffering of us horse holders – Unfortunately yes.

2 years ago
Reply to  PeppysGirl

You’re gonna keep your horses in the stable at night?

2 years ago
Reply to  Maya707

Like the fox, the wolf also breaks into stables.

We already had one in the field of external attitude from the mother cow. A fence which makes the farm area largely wolf-proof is also worth over 130 000 euros.

We alone lose about 5 to 20 animals to the wolf in the year, are even wolf advisers of huntership. Guess how many of the incidents we make public and why we handle it like that?

2 years ago
Reply to  Maya707

No? The time in which horses are constantly locked into the box is fortunately over. Art-friendly attitude means as much space and air as possible – even at night.

2 years ago

I understand everything. But that’s the thing: animal husbandry is no longer worth it for ever, because the state leaves hardly any money for it.

The wolf is just the drop on the hot stone. He makes the yield more difficult. But should a wild animal be seriously blamed for the state’s geiz?

Shouldn’t the guilt be sought elsewhere?

2 years ago

The same applies to organic farming of cows etc. An adult cow (locker 600kg) is not attacked by any wolf.

But they will, they will drive the animals forward.

as far as possible.

It is not possible due to the staff and price situation, as this attitude has always been very low.

2 years ago

But it is not a problem for a horse to be in the stable at night…I would do that in principle. There are other things that can happen to the animals. Wolves rarely attack as strong animals as horses.

The same applies to organic farming of cows etc. An adult cow (locker 600kg) is not attacked by any wolf.

Even calves are rare because the cows defend them. It happens, yes.

And with repeated attacks, I am not against the removal of the predator.

But there must be something for protection, as far as possible. I can’t put a flock on the meadow and then hate the wolf when he tears it. If I do, my animals weren’t worth much.

2 years ago

All offense, active tiles, in summer also many mixed attitudes.

Horse keeping in boxes, without 24 hours free movement with external outlet, dies out, just in the country.

In addition, organic farming is required for livestock. Cattle, pigs, sheep holding takes place almost exclusively in summer without installation.

2 years ago

For God’s sake, I don’t want to talk about the worries and losses of farm animals. I totally understand. But who’s leaving horses out at night?

2 years ago

Of course, this is not a simple subject. Would never say that man should be soft or even give up something for wolf.

But we must also understand that we are not above all. On the contrary.

We want and need nature? Then we also have to live with the less pleasant one for us.

2 years ago

I’m sorry. But slowly I can’t understand. The wolf (the nature) should be soft because we do not want to restrict ourselves to something. The truth is, however, that we have to adapt to nature and not vice versa. But we will only understand that when the child has already fallen into the well. And maybe not even then.

2 years ago

In principle, this may be – but due to the high population density, incidents with people will sooner or later also occur. Do you want to arrest your children or even move away so that the wolf gets his habitat? I’m not a wolf opponent, but I think this is a very difficult topic…

2 years ago

I’m sorry. But slowly I can’t hear it anymore! The wolf is to soften, because man does not want to restrict himself. That’s not how it works. We don’t care about nature. We have to adapt to YOU and not vice versa.

2 years ago

Of course we really believe that. And whoever deals with it will understand the meaning behind it. Especially since there is no possibility in the modern open and active valleys, for example, the horses will be able to set up at night 🤷🏽 I also don’t know why the horse should hit more at night than during the day (aside from the rising danger of wolves).

PS: a little nicer tone would be really nice. Or are you talking to your fellow human beings in real life?!

2 years ago

Oh! So bringing the horses to the stable at night is animal torture???? Do you really want to fuck me? Slow down. Whoever leaves his horses out at night, his animals are not important enough. For there are other things other than wolves that can happen to the animals.

2 years ago

Wolves hunt in ruins and yes, 4-5 wolves are quite able to tear a horse.

2 years ago

Yeah wolves can kill horses.

2 years ago

Like all hunters, they also bite into the throat with horses

2 years ago

Even Elche.

2 years ago
Reply to  atm77

even an adult bear.