Können wir Flüssigkeiten über die Luft aufnehmen?
Wenn es draussen schwül ist, also eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit vorhanden ist und wir diese Luft einatmen, absorbieren bzw. nehmen wir Flüssigkeit in Form von Wasser auf oder ist das nicht möglich?
Weshalb sähe das Auge alles Kopfüber?
Ich habe heute eine Dokumentation über die Entstehung der Erde geschaut und wie sie sich evolutionär entwickelt hat. Dabei ging es auch um die tierische Entwicklung. Jetzt ist meine Frage, was ist der Sinn und Grund der Natur so etwas zu erschaffen.
Welche Argumente würdest du eine Person überzeugen das Natur wichtig für Kinder ist.
Hi, bin am Überlegen, mir einen Lufterfrischer zu kaufen. Kann man den Wasserdampf einatmen und sichtbar rauspusten?
Haben das gerade neu,keine Bücher und keine Ahnung was ich googeln soll bitte helft mjr
No. The lungs are 100% moist in the summer. When it is dry out, our body moistens the air on the way to the lungs, and this is not (or less) noble at high humidity.
We do not take up any humidity, but we save water in the body when the humidity is high.
No, in this way no liquid is absorbed, otherwise the exhaled air would be more dry than the ambient air.
On the contrary, in the case of warm weather, one sweats more strongly to cool the body by evaporation. You lose liquid.
Our lungs must be wet. Because the oxygen from the air must always dissolve in moisture before it can diffuse through the cell wall into the body interior. In addition, the “pure” air with 21% oxygen would actually be too aggressive for the ultra-thin mucous membranes of our lung bubbles. This moisture comes from the inside. The body keeps the lung bubbles actively moist.
So, and where water is, there is no more water. Rather different: We lose weight Water about breathing. In each breath, a bite of the mucosa moisture enters the air and is exhaled as humidity.
This applies as long as the breathing air can absorb more water than it already has.
As is known, warm air can absorb more water than cold air…90% humidity at 10° C. are a different amount of water (in ml per m3 of air) than 90% humidity at 30° C.
Colder breathing air with high humidity is heated in the body… thereby it can absorb more moisture which has then taken up by the mucous membranes.
And warm breathing air is usually rather dry, so it does not require warming by body heat to absorb moisture.
In order to be able to absorb moisture, we would have to inhale air whose humidity is condensed during inhalation. Speak warmth is as our body temperature and contains so much moisture that it can no longer remain in the air when the air cools down to our body temperature.
40 °C or warmer breathing air with 100% humidity… joa, in the tropics you can probably meet this.
But not otherwise.
For comparison: What we sign in Central Europe as a hot weather is in the range of 30-35 °C and 40% humidity.
dew point maximums are about 35 to 37 degrees. Just above the water of particularly overheated bays of the Persian Gulf, or last year around the Florida Keys (where the latter area is smaller for TP generally as high), water temperature of 38, 39 degrees, as in the thermal spa.
In extreme cases, it could condense in the lungs…
Well, there is a Sainavarisnte in the spa, which plays with it, the steam bath, sitting at 42 to about 50 degrees in the fog.
You drip due to condensed moisture, but also due to sweating, that of course does not work. So you’re gonna lose more than you take to you. You deliberately overheat, indexed hyperthermia. After that there is a cold bath and a rest break, because it is healthy, but great stress for the body.
Now back to such brutal values around Indirn his Iran and Kuwait. Tsu dots 35 degrees, directly by the sea under circumstances up to 37. Up to 50 degrees heat.
These are conditions where stay outdoors in the shadow without movement kills over a few hours without cooling, the body cannot avoid overheating, and in extreme cases it goes over 42 – 44 degrees body temperature (= dead). There were only a few such days in the weather records, but there were them. You have to get rid of about 100 watts of constant biochemical heating power. The sweat-cracked skin oberglas is here and 5 degrees colder than the body inside. And at 50 degrees, all heat radiation must be cooled off from the environment. At 35 degrees of dew point, the body interior goes into life-threatening hyperthermia, fever of 40 and whether the addition heat is close to 42 degrees. At 37 degrees TP… well, that’s not what’s going on.
And this is rest, lie in the shadow.
Would you make ice bath – Damofsauna cycle while keeping the body temperature deep enough to prevent wild sweating, yes you could absorb water through breathing.
The higher the (absolute) humidity, the higher the temperature = because our body gives moisture from, or must try to keep the body temperature…
…so no we don’t take any liquid…
No, you even lose fluid over breathing.
But that doesn’t happen that it would be a liquid for survival! Definitely, that’s too little!
But you have to drink anyway.