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Wer ist eigentlich stärker, der Löwe oder ein Tiger?
Hey Leute, mir kam gerade die Frage in den Sinn und ich dachte mir eben, dass ich mal hier nachfrage und sich der ein oder andere Experte damit auskennt? 😀 Also es ist mir bewusst, dass diese Tiere eigentlich nie aufeinander treffen und kämpfen, aber wenn man sich so einen Kampf vorstellen würde, wer wäre…
Hirschgeweih aus dem Wald mitnehmen, Wilderei warum?
Hi, ich hab eben in einem Zeitungsartikel gelesen das ein gefundenes Hirschgeweih im Wald nicht mitgenommen werden darf. Ich hab gegoogelt und auch etliche Gerichtsurteile bzw. Vorfälle gefunden. Soweit so gut, ich finde aber nirgends den Grund warum man das nicht darf… ich kann mir das selbst nicht erklären deshalb frag ich. Lg
Yes, however, these hybrids are infertile and too big and hard to hunt in the wild and be nasty. Liger. The males are infertile and therefore not their own kind. Today there are lions and tigers no longer in the same areas. That was the case for a long time. The catastrophic tiger and the Berber lion lived in the same areas before they were destroyed by the Mennschen. Zb in Turkey or Iran. sSe did not mix and went out of the way. Place was enough. Löwe and tiger were also present throughout India. Both are very vulnerable here. Of the Berber lions there are still a few in captivity but are probably not purebred.
They can actually.
This results in a liger, but this animal is not viable in the free wild and would not arise there either. This would be possible at most in India as lions and tigers occur there.
Too much n24 docue?
no barn, I also :)))
You can do it, but you shouldn’t! I think this is serious animal cruelty! There is a single “hybrids” of lion and tiger and the animal tortures call the mix “Liger” and he lives in captivity, he would not even be able to survive in the free nature. There is also a “hybrids” of nem horse and nem zebra and called “Pfebra”, I have seen in a docu.
Yes, there were mixtures as far as I know ^^
The Liger
Yes, but they are not reproductive/infertile!
Google? I think no, because these genetically are far too far away
Same Google?
But it’s interested in him and not me