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Wie oben beschrieben suche ich zwei süße namen für unseren früchlingen ich selber hab es extrem schwer mich zu entscheiden es gibt 4 zur aus wahl denn vierten dürft ihr entscheiden sie sind beide weiblich aus dem grund bitte nur weibliche namen Mit Begründung bitte Danke im voraus
Yes pretty much all the higher animals like mammals are high in a similar way as we humans. This is because animals have the same neurotransmitter systems (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) and these are highly conserved = very similar.
It doesn’t matter if THC, LSD, alcohol, amphetamines, ecstasy or opiates, for example, everything in rats is quite similar to humans.
That doesn’t mean there are no exceptions. But usually drugs also work in animals.
Greeting Chillersun
Sure, it’s not a problem at all.
some animals also occasionally intoxicate with full intention. that’s something natural. (e.g. dolphin the bites on certain ball fish or there are even monkeys that steal the cocktails of the holidaymakers to let themselves run)
many “human drugs” are likely to be exactly the same for almost all higher developed animals.
Yes you can also find bugs that can be high by certain plants 👍
Yes and no. It’s like that for us people.
Not every person gets high on a drug.
Like with medicines, they and the others don’t help.
So I know that at least bats can be drunk. (In our school, once a woman raised the bats and she told us that)
Yes they can even exist animals that do it consciously!
Yes already
Definitely yes. I’ve seen cried dogs & cats. When people smoked joints or bong, the animals even ran into the smoke on purpose. After that they were more chilled than usual and slept directly.
I was once present like a dog accidentally swallowed a piece of hashish. So it was close. After a few hours but again quite normal.
cats already, using cat mint; similar effect on humans with it, even possible.
yes and as far as I know they can’t dismantle it again
means they are always high or what
yes, if they cannot degrade in the body, means that they will always be high
Some can’t actively dismantle it, like people, but it gradually expands itself, in all animals