können meine Eltern mich zwingen ein Zahnspange zu tragen?
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Welche Bestrafungen gab es früher in eurer Kindheit? LG Antonia w/12
Hallo ich weiß ich sollte zum Arzt gehen aber ich hab seit 2wochen an der linken hand aber nur in denn vorderen fingerspitzen so ein kribbeln und kaum gefühl was könnte das sein?
1.Ich bin in der 12. in Bayern und mache nächstes Jahr (Q13) im Frühling Abi. 2.Meine Mom will in ca. 2 Monaten wegziehen (innerhalb Bayern), anscheinend weil sie da mehr Chancen auf einen Job (irgendwas mit Sprchlehrerindingsda) hat und beteuert, dass es ein Muss ist, weil sie so ne Deadline hat auch noch irgendwas mit…
Dumm gefragt was habt ihr gemacht oder ehr was würdet ihr machen
Polypropylen Polyethylen Polyamid Polycarbonat Acrylnitrid Butadien Styrol Polymethylmethacrylat Polystyrol Polyoxymethylen Ich interessiere mich für Kunststoffe und würde mein Wissen gerne erweitern. Da ich als Spritzer, bzw. “Verfahrensmechaniker für Kunststoff- und Kautchuktechnik in Fachrichtung Formteile” tätig bin, bezieht sich meine Frage hauptsächlich auf die thermoplastische Form des Kunststoffs. (Über mehr Informationen zu den Kunststoffen würde ich…
You can explain why “now” you should wear a brace.
As long as you are a minor, you are still insured with your parents, you do not bear any costs. This is paid by the sickness fund and the rest of the parents.
As long as you are still a student or an apprentice, you have some more flexible times to see the appointments at the orthodontic jaws.
As an adult to wear a brace, it is much more rare and therefore notices much more clearly.
The brace is a must to correct a tooth misalignment with time. It is extremely important that you adhere to the instructions and wear the loose brace until the CFO says that you don’t need it anymore (and if you need a firm brace, it’s a loose chip and a loose chip afterwards).
Okay, thanks
Your parents pay a lot of money every month for getting straight and eye-catching teeth without misplacement. A check date with cleaning costs a few hundred euros, only right when new parts are installed.
Only if the treatment is successfully completed can your parents hope for a refund of their costs. If you do not wear your chips, the treatment cannot be completed and your parents will stay at the expense. Therefore, your parents will certainly do everything you need to wear the braces like the orthodontics.
If you don’t, you have to live with the consequences: you have stress with your parents and no beautiful teeth.
If in a few years you suddenly want straight teeth through a chip, you will notice what your parents did financially for you and you have to pay for yourself.
No but can say it makes your teeth straight and beautiful and I have heard girls prefer men with beautiful teeth
Okay, (know ned what to answer XD)
they make this too good for your future. Many do not have the opportunity to get a brace and would be happy about it
Depends on how old you are.
As long as you’re underage. You are responsible for your health.
I’ve felt that as a minor you can’t decide on health XD
I can sing a song. A fixed brace at the top and bottom as well as a glasses. Right of consultation? It’s not.