Können Kröten/Frösche im Garten ohne Teich überleben?
Hab eben eine Kröte oder einen Frosch (keine Ahnung was genau, glaube aber eher eine Kröte) bei mir im Garten gesehen und ich habe keinen Teich oder so, eigentlich ist das Grundstück gut abgezäunt.
Können solche Tiere also ohne Teich überleben? Gerade regnet es hier, ist also relativ feucht/nass draußen. Habe sie eben vom Fenster aus draußen beobachtet und sie hat sich irgendwo unter einen Gegenstand verkrochen.
That was probably an earth toad, I also have such colleagues in the pondless garden.
It’s Giesela, she’s under firewood.
Hello Giesela! Yes, it was.
The Gisela is really cute, but maybe your firewood is too wet? Actually, under BRENNholz no earth toads should feel comfortable?!
I caught her several times as she got away. Maybe she was just at the buffet?
It is actually dry under a balcony and on stones. A little bit further I have a shady, damp bulge with deep wall scoring, so it can be good that is their real residence.
No, they can’t survive without a damp source.
They always have to keep their skin moist.
LG ChrystalDragon7 🍀
But a FEUCHTER place is enough.
Well, the animals have to keep their skin moist. Most turtles and frogs also breathe over the skin. Therefore, it is always important that the skin is kept moist.
But they need a water for laughing.
Many amphibians, such as the earth’s toads, spend most of the year outside the water in moist, shady places. Only for reproduction they return to the water. At the moment, they’re on a hike. Just let them go, they find their way.
I once had an earth toad that lived in the flower box. Whenever I poured, they looked out briefly to see what was going on (-; and then disappeared again in the flower box. No pond nearby.
Straws are regularly found outside the mating season at surprisingly dry locations. Frogs like it more wet.
You need some water source to not dry