können kondome in der Sauna kapput gehen?

Hi, bin männlich, 17, und und würde einfach für den Fall der Fälle gerne wissen, ob ein Kondom beim Gebrauch in der Sauna kaputt gehen kann, da ich gehört habe, dass Kondome durch hohe Temperaturen geschädigt werden können.

PS. Wenn es mal dazu kommen sollte dann selbstverständlich in keiner öffentlichen Sauna.

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2 years ago

Condoms with contact to the body do not go “caputt”. They are cooled to body temperature.

But you’re ruining yourself. Because strong movements over 80 degrees and more burden the body in such a way that in the worst case you even risk a heart attack. But without fun: You don’t believe that the oven is running in a porn movie in a sauna? The actors are sprayed with water to make it look real….

So please never in a heated sauna cabin! This can ultimately not be beautiful in reality, but it can be intense and burdensome.

You have a lot of fun. We always go from a private cabin or gay sauna, because in all others it would be strictly forbidden.

LG sauntom (saunfans.de)

2 years ago

Condoms in the sauna? Sex in the hot sauna? I think that’s a schnapps.

Yes, the condoms can suffer from heat, but most likely they will not do this in a few minutes and during use they will stay at body temperature anyway.

But sex in the sauna is unhygienic and the heat for the body also disadvantageous and much too exhausting.

Rath: Just warm up each other in the sauna and then have sex after showering.

2 years ago

Sex in sauna – whether with or without condom… Guess about it.

This can and will turn your cycle on the head

Have this – a friend and I – tried in a private sauna.

2 years ago

Latex is not made for high temperatures.

2 years ago

Joke ask- are they in Pofalte?