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2 years ago

Yeah, that’s possible and happens. Intelligence is something that differs from man to man due to many hundreds of genes. The mixture of these genes then makes up a proportion of about 40 to 70 percent the difference in intelligence between different people and, as one can think, is therefore a large part of “good thing”.

However, it should also be borne in mind that the measurement of intelligence was much more rare with our parents than with us. It can therefore often only look as if they are “averagely intelligent” while they are actually perhaps also highly gifted and simply grew up in an environment that was much less sensitive to this property.

2 years ago

You can. This is the case with me and my brother. My parents have not been tested, but since I have more frequent contact with people from Mensa, I am sure they are “normal”. My father likes to say that we have the intelligence of him – mother would still have it;) Yes, he is not above average intelligent, but the dearest Papa in the world 🙂

So no “Mathilda effect” (refer to the same-named children’s film) – totally sublime family, not loving family and the lonely little light Mathilda.

However, there are many “family” at Mensa. Pure intelligence already has a very high inheritance (not glands, wisdom, emotional intelligence, …). So what is measured with real IQ tests is a wide range of cognitive skills.

And they are the smart and clever, not the intelligent, who are evolutionary. Example: My siblings and I don’t have children (with me lack partner, although I would like to have children). Also, the number of friends is very limited in a relationship. As for girls, I’m just stupid.

P.S.: That doesn’t mean that there are not even intelligent people who are also clever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefan997

My father likes to say that we have the intelligence of him – mother would have

That’s wrong. The intelligence is on the X chromosome.

I’d look after the grandparents on the maternal side. My grandfather on the maternal side is clearly with me ́guilt ́.

2 years ago
Reply to  SchakKlusoh

What a beautiful reproach. Your grandfather on the maternal side could not have passed on his “IQ gene”.

But don’t worry, that can be right. There is an individual opinion of a psychologist (so no geneticist) which is generally based on the latest research (“conditional genes”), but whose conclusions cannot be traced by most colleagues. However, their hypothesis – formulated as a fact – was taken up by the press and then other media have jumped up.

We don’t know what genes influence the IQ today. Of the identified genes, 16% sit on the X chromosome. This is significantly higher than the cut – more but not.

2 years ago

But I think you’re referring to the work of Delgado Suárez.

Why don’t you ask, but just guess something?

My mistake. At the moment, especially in the social networks, it should cure. As it is wrongly assumed here, the genes with influence on the intelligence are mostly on the X chromosome I have brought this into connection.

By the way, unfortunately, Hamann is also cited incorrectly by the “image of science”. He does not say that “most” IQ relevant genes are on the X chromosome, but 1/5 – small difference: Infothek – genetikum | Evolution of the Intellect

So excuse me for my quick, but as I hope understandable, misconception.

2 years ago

But I think you’re referring to the work of Delgado Suárez

Why don’t you ask, but just guess something?

2 years ago

Men have an X and a Y chromosome. My grandfather passed his X chromosome to my mother and she passed it to me.

Correct. But I think you’re referring to the work of Delgado Suárez (explained psychologist). See here:

The psychologist and her research team come to the conclusion that genes responsible for cognitive functions are completely deactivated as soon as they are inherited from the father. This would mean that only the genes of the mother play a role in the context of inherited intelligence

The shutdown of the (cognitively effective) genes of the x-chromosome inherited by the man is repeatedly ghosted by the press.

The work of Min Zhao, Lei Kong & Hong Qu under the title “A systems biology approach to identify intelligence quotient score-related genomic regions and pathways relevant to potential therapeutic treatments” estimates that 16% of genes that are out of date for intelligence are sitting on the X chromosome. Okay, that’s from 2014. But in my knowledge there have been no radically new findings in the last 8 years. But if you know a newer scientific work on this, I like to take it.

Also in your link: Thus, non-sex chromosomes of intelligence-determining genes – but only a third as many as the X chromosomes, Hameister found.

And the last point:

We know today not at all, which genes influence the IQ.

Perhaps I did not make myself clear here. Of course we know a large number of genes that affect the IQ. With the expression “what genes everything I am referring to the fact that we have identified only part of the genes.

Most can be identified in the course of defects. So we know genes that, for example, prevent a metabolic function due to a defect, which leads to a reduced brain power. This is quite different if a gene variant represents only one optimization, while all other variants, even with complete inhibition of expression, have no positive or negative effects.

The method of defects is particularly helpful for strongly below-average IQ. This is also diagnostically useful, as this defect causes a metabolic deficiency which has a negative effect on brain performance and/or development, so that this metabolic defect can be compensated for by drug delivery.

People with a high IQ will have no defects in the metabolism of the brain. Genes then play a role which is more like a “bonus” – which we do not know for the most part. And the question was about gifts.

2 years ago

Your grandfather on the maternal side could not have passed on his “IQ gene”.

Your biology skills are lacking. Men have an X and a Y chromosome. My grandfather passed his X chromosome to my mother and she passed it to me.

We know today

Do you live in 1999?

not at all, which genes influence the IQ.

This is also not correct. Please read: Mutter/

2 years ago

Intelligence often skips a generation…

Since both chromosomes interact, it may well be that the “right” must be found. The parents had bad luck (or luck) and their respective chromosomes have blocked. Mutter/

2 years ago

Yes, where the intelligence of the mother weighs more and more than that of the father.

It is well known that geniuses, when they become fathers, often testify to very mediocre sons. Similarly, an average type from the people can bring a genius to the world, so that the mother is wise.

2 years ago
Reply to  safirblau531

The answer is not faken-based because he has not called any facts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuellfeder

That’s not quite correct.

Although the intelligence sits on the X chromosome, daughters have their two. So daughters can have their intelligence from the father. Sons always have them from the mother. Mutter/

2 years ago
Reply to  SchakKlusoh

Very interesting, I didn’t know. Sensual supplement!

So modern science can reconfirm what attentive observers have known for centuries with a bit of peasant tubes; Not surprised.

2 years ago

But they can’t.

You can’t say that before. In the same way, the children of gifted parents can be absolute perfection 😉

Important is: The promotion of the child after birth. If you actually promote and demand it in time, then each child can be highly intelligent. The most important is the early development of language skills.

Children who can read and write before school start are not really smarter. They were only better supported by their parents.

2 years ago

Sure, why not?

My father: Secondary school, my mother: 8th grade, my brother: primary school. I: Abitur and official.

Don’t mean I’m super smart. This just means that every family can have a positive but also negative impact.

2 years ago

No, of course not. All children look just like their parents, become as big and can even wear the parents’ shoes for a lifetime.

Hello! Think about yourself…

2 years ago
Reply to  alterzapp

😂😂 and eat exactly the same with exactly the same calcium content as the parents

2 years ago
Reply to  safirblau531

It is not scientifically clarified what determines the invalid level of intelligence. In principle, it is assumed that it is a mixture of genetic factors and other factors. Apparently, the intelligence can be changed up to age. Some scientists even assume that intelligence is a bit learnable and can also be improved as an adult.

2 years ago

Then you’re a high-moral poster.

2 years ago

That was the one who wrote the answer, because he said that children are exactly the same as doe parents and sooooo isn’t that

2 years ago

A tip to finish.

Don’t baptize, no drugs try not to speak blasphemies and not about concerns in the group is unfortunately no good sign.
I’ll take myself as the best example.

2 years ago

Then you are highly intelligent now!😂

2 years ago

Or actually I found that now in the after already relatively funny 😂😂

2 years ago

🤣🤣the noteworthy grad also that was so inconvenient that I just need to laugh about my own sweat dead

2 years ago

I found your comment very funny.

2 years ago

Because I’m one, it’s already fixed. And, of course, because I am one, for the high-intelligent only smarter doofe (sorry, of course, is not meant for those affected at all, but only for the simple representation). There’s still one step higher. You’re never the greatest, there’s still more. I live my whole life with this property and I have already met many people in my life and I therefore have a very good feeling for which group my counterpart belongs to. That’s why…

2 years ago

You ask a question and not everyone answers you with the simple means, but asks a question to encourage you to think. That’s what your counterpart is? And… Right, something. In any case, you are not concerned with this problem yourself.

2 years ago

My IQ is about infinite, because I am an omniscient being from a higher dimension.

2 years ago

Forget it. It’s not even really clear what intelligence is, and what it all means. In addition, it is questionable whether an IQ test really represents such a good opportunity to measure the intelligence due to the above-mentioned problems and the lack of practical relevance of many tasks.

2 years ago

Yes everything goes out of flying people

2 years ago
Reply to  Pinguinpingi8

Flying people already existed. Well, very far they didn’t come, often it was fatal, but it wasn’t impossible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

This is my favorite word I’ll do everything to keep the one I’ve been using for years

I mean those who fly from themselves into the air without aids and no fall and these flights count as aids

2 years ago

Well, he did.

2 years ago

But the man has fucked

2 years ago

Flying without tools does evolution.

2 years ago

Children of super intelligent and super smart parents can also be superdoof and underintelligent. It’s possible.

2 years ago

All right.