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1 year ago


Once they’re here, they’re gonna get rid of it. Tablets with the active ingredient ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), a gallic acid, can dissolve such gallstones. They usually have to be taken over several months. However, after treatment, new stones often form if you do not change their eating behavior.

They should avoid heavy fat food, because there is a lot of malic acid retrieved and thus the gall is loaded accordingly. Light food is recommended and sufficient movement. Then don’t get to know a gallstone.



1 year ago

Small bile stones can be migrated into the intestine via the bile passage. But it can also be that they remain stuck and block the bile passage. Then they must be removed endoscopically. But mostly new stones are formed in the gall bladder. So the doctors usually recommend removing the gallbladder once you have problems with gallstones.

1 year ago

Gallensteingries can reduce. Only uncalculated stones can dissolve through medication; otherwise there is a shock wave therapy; Stones are crushed. Some foods help well.

1 year ago

Not really. Whoever had them, usually gets them again soon.

If you had trouble with the stones, the gallbladder should get out.

1 year ago

No, they can’t, but they can grow so that a movement in the bile passages makes a bile colic more unlikely.

Galle stones can be treated with a minimally-versive operatic or with a laser treatment where the gallstones are crushed with a laser.

1 year ago

Supposedly, calcium from yogurt etc. or potassium citrate help against some types of stones. But I’d tell the doctor.