Können DPD Fahrer Auto fahren?

Habt ihr schon mal einen DPD Lieferwagen gesehen, der sich an Verkehrsregeln gehalten hat? Egal ob in Dashcam-Videos oder in real, nahezu immer wenn ich einen DPD Lieferwagen sehe, fährt dieser katastrophal und rücksichtslos. Woran liegt das?

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1 year ago

I have travelled almost 1 million kilometres with such transporters; so I can talk.

Estimated 80 to 95% drive quite normal. No employer takes the fines, and the rag would soon be gone. I myself have Transporter seen, which have traveled through motorway construction sites at 130 km/h. Two vehicles of competition overtaked me a lot too fast on snow-covered road. minutes later, I drove past them; both lay in the street pit. I don’t know what happened in the heads of such drivers.

The causes are presumably in time pressure and pay structure 20 years ago. If an hour’s wage and then the statutory minimum wage were paid, everything would not be a problem. I paid a flat-rate wage per day/travel order, and after half the tour the rest of the time went to me: the faster I finish the tour, the more earned per hour. Another problem is fixed arrival times, for example at airports. If I crossed them without any important reason, I’m going to get rid of my job. I saw a colleague who, with 70 Km/h allowed to go over with 110 Km/h.

That’s why I’m glad that in about 20 years, I only had to pay about 300 € to fines and keep the lapel. In the case of two total damages, I remained undamaged without any foreign participation. Nevertheless, I say that the drivers of these long distances are driving above average due to intensive driving practice. can.

1 year ago

Yes, many of them are going right. However, with the exception of parking habits. But I understand that. Everyone orders his stuff on the Internet and then complains that the van driver keeps second row. But where else is he supposed to park?

1 year ago

DPD I can find the taxi drivers in Frankfurt much worse.

1 year ago

because the employees have to travel under an enormous time pressure and deliver the packages. There are no questions about GF such as: it’s already 6.00 o’clock, my package still comes today…

1 year ago

As everywhere there are such and such drivers.

1 year ago

No front but do you honestly know nothing better to start with your life? What do you have to be German for a Alman? What does that have to do with dpd?

in every company there will be people who don’t stick to it.

1 year ago

Nööö which are completely put under pressure in time

1 year ago

We can