Können die Betreuer vom Frauenhaus das wirklich verbieten?
Eine Bekannte von mir ist ins Frauenhaus geflüchtet. Sie wurde von ihrem Freund auf die übelste Art und Weise verprügelt. Er ist auch Alkoholiker.
Jetzt zu meiner eigentlichen Frage. Sie wohnt in Baden-Württemberg. Ursprünglich kommt sie aus Bayern. Irgendwo im Allgäu. Sie hat jetzt gerade 2 Wochen Urlaub.
Sie wollte jetzt in ihrem Urlaub ein paar Tage weg fahren. Also nach Bayern wo sie ursprünglich her kommt. Die Betreuer haben ihr das allen ernstes verboten. Können sie das wirklich verbieten? Natürlich gibt es Regeln im Frauenhaus an die man sich halten muss. Man darf keinen Alkohol trinken. Das ist ja auch in Ordnung. Man kann doch niemandem verbieten in seinem Urlaub weg zu fahren.
Können sie das wirklich verbieten?
Ich mache eine Umfrage. Trotzdem bitte mit Begründung da uns die Antworten wirklich wichtig sind. Dankeschön
I do not know any laws or regulations, so I do not vote.
She’s an adult and she can decide when she goes. But then I’d say she loses her place in the women’s house, after all, you can’t keep him free for weeks. And all too important, you don’t seem to be protecting.
Your friend doesn’t know where she lives. I know where the women’s house is. You shouldn’t know. He doesn’t know where she lives in Bavaria.
It seems to have difficulty in understanding what a women’s house is for.
They certainly did not deny it to her, but probably strongly advised. To her safety, it’s probably the best decision.
They also know that women often return to their violent partners.
She also told everyone that she still loves him.
Is the case with partners of Suffkes and Prüglers, because he “pronounced to change”
Unfortunately, it is so, often the partners who suffer from the violence that develop serious mental disorders over time. Once there, it was complete.
From experience I know that in most cases someone will never change.
do not evade, but in the time it would be more sensuous to look for something new as a women’s house is also just a not-solution.
If she goes back to where her friend is, and she still has the opportunity to stay for two weeks, it looks like it was either not that bad with her partner or she is so stupid and wants to be beaten.
In both cases, she doesn’t need the place in the women’s house and should make him free for a woman who really needs to get out of her relationship and want to change her life.
You can’t forbid her leave, but they can put her in front of her.
For whoever goes voluntarily back to his uncle has not earned this help!
Your friend lives in Baden-Württemberg. Maybe I should have written it. She originally comes from Bavaria
The “maintainers” have house law. If she can go to another federal state for several days, she does not really need the FH – and must release the place.
as you forbid, I think it’s going. It’s not a hotel, it’s not a shelter.
Keeping under forced as it is, for example, in Phychatic clinics. I’m sure they can’t. But I think that they can make the place occupied by the SIe accordingly for someone so that someone can take the help too.
Actually, she should use the time to take care of an ad and look for a new apartment.
She would have been able to drive the full 2 weeks to her parents if she had already been on vacation. Then she’d be out. And, if necessary, would go to the women’s house only after that.
However, if the supervisors are already able to know the exact circumstances that cause this.
I think they’re afraid that the ex finds them is safe for their own protection
He doesn’t know where the women’s house is. I just know.
The answer is yes and no.
No, because they can’t hold them under compulsion and your girlfriend can leave the women’s house at any time if she wants to.
Yes, however, because they can release their place when they leave. The women’s house has the right to impose certain conditions.
She is to say that she is a free man, not in prison, but in a women’s house, and ALG is enough to be able to decide for herself where she wants
The racket then has access again.
Yeah, but she’s not going back to him.
Even if she moved to him, the women’s house should not forbid it! it is her good RTecht to let herself be beaten because she still loves him so much. does not seem so rare…
Then we enjoy a lot of fun.
…and not so few!
the first time you’re beaten, the second time you’re hitting!
Anyone who can drive away for weeks obviously does not need this scarce emergency shelter financed by tax money.
Of course, they forbid that because otherwise there is no more money in checks
You mean check the rooms are not empty.
She can officially clean the accommodation and try to get back in after the holiday.
Numerous women are waiting for free places, they’re fucking close. A room so keeps up extremely unsocial.
Women’s houses are NOT hotels – but accommodation for women in acute NOTLAGEN. A holiday is NOT part of it.
and if she only goes to her family? Then it’ll cost nix.
she blocks a bed in the women’s house that she doesn’t need in time.
Keeping a bed or room in the women’s house free until Madame rests on the two-week holiday, costs “nix”?
She just wants to go to her family for a few days. Your children live there too.
just. To do so, she should set her priorities right and rather try to make a holiday. Holiday can make them if everything is regulated
She has a job. But only parttime. It’s not that easy to find an apartment.
she could look for a job/a flat in her “holiday”… I know it’s just an idea…
If she can get there, she doesn’t need space in an emergency shelter. This is for women who otherwise land on the street. Since you want to go to the “Urlaub”, it’s a bad luck. The place should be gone when she comes back.
The idea of looking for a new apartment/residential accommodation in time would also be people-spicking
On the other hand, I wonder what else to do on his holiday.
Because they can’t.
You can only say that you’re coming in here.