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4 years ago

1 Blood angels are not dangerous. They don’t transfer diseases and just drop when they’re tired. The only problems are the wounds they leave: they are bleeding more eagerly because the eel has injected an anti-gerine agent in order to be able to flow more easily.

2 The medical leeches, Hirudo medicinalis, can be well in the aquarium hold

4 years ago

Blood angels are not dangerous in themselves.

On the contrary.

Also today, blood gels are still used in the medical field and often quite consciously…

4 years ago

The “Bisse” can be bleeding vigorously if the egel has long been rich and gone, aftercare is therefore absolutely necessary. “Wilde” blood gels may have been anywhere before, infections are not excluded, whereas medical blood gels are kept sterile.
According to my then doctor, (medical) blood angels can survive well in the aquarium, they are not very active once they are tired and only need a bite of their owners every 5-6 months.
He had 12 medical leeches in a basin, they would have to be killed theorethically after the attack, but he has taken care that they have “lost” with those who have offered them a new home: In aquariums and 5 have migrated into a garden pond. With the owner of the pond I still have contact, the animals thrive, she has put her daughter on a fat bruise, has done well what he should and it has hardly bleeded.