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Earlier, the argument for Metro was that they did not have to observe the closing law.
After this was strongly liberalized in Germany, I do not know why they still differ between commercial and private customers.
You can show net prices, then it looks optically cheaper, but it really does, I don’t know.
Only if they got a card – possibly as a big consumer.
Yes if you have a guest card
Can I become a customer? Yes, you have the following options to buy at METRO: As a business customer, you can shop in the METRO market and online shop. As a private customer you can shop in the METRO online shop.
You need a guest card and how do you get it? Is this also in the market?
Do you know someone who’s a customer? He can take you, for example, then you can buy things there
If I know you can let your brother make a shopping authorization, if I remember correctly, I don’t know how exactly that goes out of my head, but I mean that goes too.
Online you can definitely buy there- on sign up and go
Yes, my brother and his girlfriend are going to go shopping. But we are 70 km apart and he says nothing about it
No, just with the Metrocart…
Obviously. I just ordered something.
Normally not. Unless it’s changed, but you need a business for it.
My brother and his girlfriend also don’t have a business and they can shop there. He doesn’t say anything about it. All I know is the one card
Who knows how they got the card. :