Können auch Fahranfänger „platzsparend“ parken, oder muss man dafür erfahren sein? Oder lernt man das in der Fahrschule, also das Gefühl oder so?

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1 year ago

Can also park starters “space-saving”

Yes, if they learned how to park.

Or learn this in the driving school

Jein. You learn how to do this with the Driving school car do.

So the feeling or something?

This depends on the vehicle driven in each case, so you cannot generally learn how to park with a specific vehicle ideally.

or do you have to know?

Experience definitely makes it easier to park faster/leaved space-saving. But with a correspondingly much “in and out” it also creates a beginner.

1 year ago

At the driving school you learn how to do it technically.

Feeling for developing takes its time and must be practiced by repetition.

As an example I’m 35 and I never have to park backwards sideways in my life at least not regularly. Even in the company I have my own nice parking lot.

However, I can’t do that for a long time like someone who has done it every day for years.

1 year ago

Absolutely no matter, even starters have eyes in the head and can/must, if inadvertent (because etched) has not been parked in a space-saving way, correct it again – and at the latest when you get out, every beginner can see it easily.

1 year ago

So we were able to do that earlier, when we had no 15 licenses…

1 year ago

No. It’s a talent question.

Some never learn and never develop a feeling for it.

1 year ago

It was a part of my driving test 😃 !

1 year ago

Yes, dear AlbofromkaThe driving school is there for that.

But you should know that by now. 😉

1 year ago

All a question of talent. Some can learn it the same way, some never learn it.