Können Alkoholikerinnen das kommende Wetter “spüren”?

Guten Morgen Zusammen,

ein guter Freund von mir war lange Zeit Alkoholiker (mindestens eine Flasche Vodka pro Tag und statt Wasser gab es nur Bier). Während seiner Zeit als Alkoholiker hat er immer wieder behauptet wenn er Kopfschmerzen bekäme, würde es jetzt bald regnen. Nun ist er seit ca. 4 Jahren trocken und hat diese Behauptung seitdem auch nicht mehr wieder aufgestellt.

Nun kenne ich eine gute Freundin die pro Tag mindestens zwei Flaschen Apfelwein trinkt und die selbe Behauptung aufstellt. “Immer wenn ich Kopfschmerzen habe, fängt es gleich an zu regnen”. Wahrlich habe diese Behauptung nicht auf Richtigkeit überprüft aber ich finde es doch Merkwürdig, das insbesondere “Alkoholiker” diese “Fähigkeit” besitzen. Ist da etwas dran?

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1 year ago

No. This is superstition. Alkis are not weather frogs.

1 year ago

The body only reacts to the weather

This is because, above all, the thermal elements of the weather such as heat, cold and humidity make themselves noticeable..


1 year ago
Reply to  WokoSchan

Because in drunk mode these are sometimes sharpened.

1 year ago

Many people are weather sensitive. That’s less likely to be done with alcoholics or not alcoholics.

What is clearly weakened with drunkenness is the brain-mouth filter. Therefore, alcoholics usually talk about everything that comes into their mind. No matter how sensual it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  WokoSchan

Depends on the amount of debt.

1 year ago

It’s rare because it doesn’t bring money back to the creditor. But it can be done.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

It has nothing to do with alcoholism. That’s what all sorts of people say. The fact that you only notice this with suspected alcoholics is your personal experience and, if necessary, selective perception. You might be interested in: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/cognitive_distortion

Especially here, of course, it is obvious that this alleged weather sensitivity serves as an excuse for the negative effects of the alcohol, such as headaches.

Do you actually know the diagnostic criteria for alcoholism? Also interesting: https://www.kenn-dein-limit.de/alcohol consumption/alcoholism/

1 year ago

well, if they tell you, it will be right! If my dog eats grass, there is rain!

1 year ago
Reply to  Biberchen

When my dog eaten grass he had to puke

Dultus, UserMod Light

It could be. Some people are generally more sensitive in terms of weather and alcohol could help. This may be related to the fact that alcohol has a dehydrating effect and, in general, dehydrated people can perceive slight weather changes.

But this is now a mere thesis…