Konkurrenz von CBD- und Ingwer-/Kurkumin-Rezeptoren?
Wenn man eine Salbe oder ein Gel mit jeweils 50 % CBD, Öl und 50 % Kurkumin auf die Haut ein massiert… Würden sich die Cannabinoide und das Kuckum ihn einen Konkurrenzkampf um die Aufnahme in den Rezeptoren im Muskel- und sonstigen Gewebe liefern?
Hello KrustytheKlown
The skin cannot absorb CBD…. 🙄 It’s not cool to abuse CBD just to say that you’re smothering it all over you…. CBD is not a cure!
But you can also mix it into the shoe cream – it also renews the leather 🤷🏻 ♀️
What kind of receptors do you want to massage?
And what kind of cannabinoids (Plural) do you mean next to CBD?
To do this… 50% CBD + 50% curcumin = 100% there is no place for oil or something to gel or make “salbig”…. Your 50/50 mix brings a dust dry powder – you can try to pull into your nose 🤷🏻 ♀️
Ginger receptors? Curcumin receptors? Ne but there might be vllt on the paprika receptors problems 😅
Seriously, let it be…. Better go to school instead of feeling cool because you have something from cannabis 🤦🏻 ♀️ learn percentage bill – for cosmetics you need at least one real school degree… For chemists an Abitur 😉 your project gives only an overpriced oily Jauche with less use than the soap liquor which should wash the fat after your skin again damaged ^^^
@ :
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