Konflikt zuhause?
ich musste das zimmer tauschen weil meine mutter schwanger ist und wir nur in einer 3 zimmer wohnung leben. aber in dem zimmer in dem ich jetzt bin fühl ich mich überhaupt nicht wohl, der boden ist schon um die 5-6 jahre alt, lampe sieht ekelhaft abgeranzt aus, bett matratze verschiebt sich immer, alle steckdosen kaputt, kaputtes rollo, kaputte alte regal kisten. hab sie gefragt ob wir das zimmer wenigstens renovieren können weil es wirklich ekelhaft hier aussieht man kann sich einfach als 16 jähriger hier nicht wohlfühlen. jetzt muss ich mir wieder anhören wie undankbar ich sei etc.
was soll ich machen? die gehen überhaupt auf gar kein vorschlag von mir ein.
But you expect your mother to sleep in the “eclectic” room with the next baby?
Instead of being so negative about a room and a little bit of stuff there would be more sensible to say “Hey, I understand that you will need more space together with the baby soon, but as the room currently looks I feel uncomfortable there/ I don’t like stopping there. Can we change a bit/remove the sockets?”
When you put it that way, parents do not dense. Because then you’ll see that you’re interested in a solution.
The lamp can be easily replaced by another of, for example, Ikea. Rollos can also be exchanged, that should not be a problem.
With the carpet you will have to live, carpeting is not usually changed every few years. But you can think about another normal carpet or runner.
Even for the thing with the bed you can find solutions. Here and there is something decoration, shelves on the walls to create storage space, then this already works
What are you doing here? I’ve tried to tell her about 100,000 times. I’m not being heard I’m told that I’m ungrateful and that’s three times that I want to change my room just before the baby comes. That’s why I asked this question here to find a solution what I can do to listen to me?
You can only work with what was previously given to information.
In the entry text you asked her if you could at least renovate the room “because it looks really disgusting here”.
There is nothing of “thousands” discussions, not listening.
A number of solutions have already been presented here. That’s good.
And if your parents don’t have any sense to actively plan a renovation of the room…. then you become active.
Save money together, ask in the neighborhood/relative/ in the circle of friends who might have left of them a bucket of wall paint. Ask these people if someone drives you to the next Ikea (as soon as you get some money together). Ask around until you can find someone who can fix outlets.
Tell your parents, “I see that you’ve got enough of your ears, so I planned this and that to beautify my room. Don’t worry, I have the money, the material, the helpers organized.” Or something like that to show that you take initiative, seriously think they don’t want to burden, organize and finance themselves.
If that’s the case, it’ll be in all the rooms.
Ergo – besides your resistance – everything is like.
No. my old room was completely renovated
Then it will certainly not be a problem to do this in your new room.
In a 3-room apartment is unusual that a room has such a condition. They are all used for living.
A lot more rooms don’t stay there. The rest is kitchen, bathroom.
Name exactly what you want:
All this costs money. Maybe you can achieve that your top 3 matches will be implemented directly. And from your further wishes you could then fulfill another every two to three months.
I’d like to know why your mother’s pregnancy needs a room change.
And whether it should be forever or “just” for a few months.
So a floor that has been cut off after 6 years, but someone has been home. Our floors are much older and still Tip top
Switching sockets is not a witchcraft now. But for safety, screw the fuse out.
What else? Renovation or new furniture is not cheap. Yes, you have to go through that. But there are at least quite good Do it yourself videos. It is possible to embellish one or the other
because the room where my elders were inside was too small so we had to swap and the floor is teppich not a laminate or so this looks just after years disgusting. do not need any new furniture, if I pay for it myself from my next job, anyway I have people who help me.
well, carpet should keep longer, but no matter what it is.
Your parents (in their rooms are you now?) have stopped it there. And you can take some furniture from your previous room?
Look(t) sometimes on ebay KLeinanzeigen or in social storehouses (there is everyone allowed) there are often beautiful furniture for small money. I’m sure you have friends too. Make a revoving party.
Ask the producer of your sibling if he pays you at least the renovation.
As a 16-year-old, you should be able to renovate your room. That’s what’s going on when your things have to be tied around anyway
how do you imagine doing this all by yourself without any help? can I exchange plugs myself or reuse lamps? furniture is a thing that I don’t get there.
As I said, with 16 you should be able to do that.
it’s not about money. I’m going to work next to school myself. it’s about not getting any help
Thanks for the answer. A look at the other questions afterward was helpful. First of all, Selin seems to be a girl and secondly, in the Famile, there are some unusual circumstances of authority.
If he wants to renovate NO room, he can do something for a weekend. And he doesn’t have to give a piece of shit. The parents obviously cannot afford to hire a company.
This is easy to write. if the boy is still in school or professional education, the available free time for such a more extensive renovation is too short.