Kömnt ihr mir einen Namen für meinen Antagonisten empfehlen?
Hi, ich schreibe gerne Geschichten und zeichne Bilder zu diesen Geschichten, ich bräuchte allerdings mal von euch ein paar Namensempfehlungen für meinen Antagonisten, der Name sollte Maskulin und cool klingen… Dankö
Mister Corsage probably sounds anything but masculine. But I find the name quite original. Maybe just make a female person out of the character, so Miss Corsage. Sounds even better 😁😅
Some more info might be nice… what nationality, does he have any skills, should it be a real name or a kind of villain name?
I simply recommend this name generator: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/
How about ‘Nitup Rimidlaw’. Sounds like bad guy.
wladimir putin from behind
I think that sounds like a super-patsty confused wizard from the disc world. Sorry, but that was the first thing that came into my mind with the name – that, or a mouse.
Under baby-vornamen.de you will find all possible names.
You go from the wrong side. At the time of his birth, where most of them receive their name, the namesakes do not know that he will be an antagonist. So he should have a normal name.
It’s fiction. It’s not unusual that by chance the name is very masculine.