„Kommunikative Rationalität“ von Habermas groß- oder kleingeschrieben?
Wird die „Kommunikative Rationalität“ von Jürgen Habermas groß- oder kleingeschrieben? Handelt es sich bei “kommunikative” hier also um einen Eigennamen oder bloß um ein Adjektiv? Also was stimmt: a) oder b)?
a) Die „Kommunikative Rationalität“ von Jürgen Habermas ist längst überholt.
b) Die „kommunikative Rationalität“ von Jürgen Habermas ist längst überholt.
In the Wikipedia text you will find:the sentence:
So write as it says: ‘communicative Rationality‘.
The adjective “Communicative” is used as an adjective attribute in other nomen (Trade, Action, Interaction…)
The communicative rationality also not a book title. Haberman’s work is nämlic:
“Theory of Communicative Action.“
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1981,ISBN 3-518-28775-3.
If it’s a book title, big. Otherwise small, because “communicative” is an adjective.
A should/will be right!
Thecommunicative rationalityneither to a book title nor to a fixed connection to an own name: .
Haberman’s work is
“Theory of Communicative Action.“
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1981,
If this is a fixed term, then it is a unit and both are written big.
It is not a fixed term, nor a book title.
Haberman’s work is
“Theory of Communicative Action.“
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1981,
I’d see my own name and write big.
Haberman’s 2-volume work, however, is
“Theory of communicative action. “
Bd 1: “Handling rationality and social rationalization.”
Bd 2: “To criticize the functionalist reason.”