Kommt unser aller Vorfahre wirklich aus Afrika?
Oder haben sich an unterschiedlichen Stellen Menschen entwickelt. Also mehrere Wiegen der Menschheit.
Oder haben sich an unterschiedlichen Stellen Menschen entwickelt. Also mehrere Wiegen der Menschheit.
Klar Tiere haben auch Gefühle wie wir Menschen. Aber wo ist der unterschied?
Was bedeutet: Krank machende Wirkung des Erregers beruht auf ihrem Vermögen, Enzyme und Gifte zu bilden. Was bedeutet das in Einfach
Mein kleiner Bruder hat diesen Stein gefunden und möchte wissen, welche Steinart das ist.
Ich habe mal folgendes gelesen:” Wenn wir Fleisch nicht essen, entwickeln wir uns zu Pflanzenfressern.” Wie kommt man auf sowas absurdes? Die Entwicklung einer Spezies benötigt mehrere Millionen Jahre. Intention des Zitat ist: Wir entwickeln uns wortwörtlich von heute auf morgen zu neuen Lebewesen. Wie kann man die Idee der Entwicklung ruhig und ordentlich weitergeben?
Also das es sie gab ist Fakt. Aber gibt es da in der Bibel Texte oder etwas darüber? Laut Bibel ist die Erde 6000 Jahre alt,also müsste es ja zu dieser Zeit auch Dinosaurier gegeben haben. Gibt ja viele Gläubige die das ernst nehmen und daran Glauben…wie erklären die sich dann das Thema Dinosaurier?
Wurden alle dort geboren oder haben den Ursprung dort oder gibt/ gab es auch Löwen irgendwo anders (außer in zoos und in Berlin😅)
Both stood in the room once. Today we know, “From Africa”. At least 95%.
The homo sapiens has developed in Africa. Other descendants of the homo erectus in other parts of the earth. In Europe this was the Neanderthal. Its territory ranged to the Levante (now Israel) and at the first large emigration wave it came to mixing (fertile descendants) of both species. Therefore, the type term (exclusive homo sapiens / homo neandertalensis) is actually outdated, but is still used.
All Europeans and Asians have emerged from this mixed population. Thus, not only the Europeans, but also the Asians have a few percent of Neanderthal genes.
Another mixing is that of the denisovaman into this already existing mixing pupulation man. The Tibetans, some older people in Southeast Asia and the Polynesians developed.
That means there are several people’s blessings that have crossed? Three?
Not applicable Speciesbut if, then Species. However, the status of different types is controversial, depending on the type concept and the warehouse of taxonomy (Splitter vs. Lumper) they are underlying.
Lumper distinguish only three species of the genus homosexual: homo habilis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiensThe Homo erectus “archaic” Homo sapiens) and then produced several lines (subspecies). Accordingly, the Neanderthals and Denisovans are to be classified as subspecies, which is also the anatomically modern person (Homo sapiens sapiens) belongs.
The Splitting Taxonomy is more closely oriented towards the phylogenetic concept and admits to the Neanderthaler the status of its own type, Homo neanderthalensis and differentiates further species, e.g. H. rudolfensis, H. heidelbergensis, H floresiensis uvm., which are then also called “chronospecies”. The Splitting Taxonomy in the trend, I personally tend to Lumping Taxonomy.
But it doesn’t matter which of the two schools one belongs to whether the different line of origin is now referred to as subspecies or as species, there have been several mixing events. The roots of all lines lie in Africa.
The history is so simple:
In principle, modern man is “Out of Africa, there has been a certain gene flow from other human stem lines, however, even several times.
Great. Excellent description. Nice to meet someone who also knows well and writes in detail.
Science has decided: out of Africa … is right. So yes.
I have still learned East Africa, but sometimes they are no longer so sure. So Tanzania, Kenya and so.
The original skin color was brown or black… only before approx. 10000-20000 years ago the bright skin color has developed due to arable farming and lack of vitamin.
A skeleton was also found in the UK, where after DNA analyses it came out that this person had blue eyes and dark skin. “Cheddar Man” is also interesting