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I’ll put it that way.
According to insiders and other people, of course the Windows 12 is supposed to come in October or must.
They can’t turn off the support for Windows 10 and force you to use Only Windows 11.
There have always been 2 Windows versions on the market.
A new and old current.
And the most up-to-date and up-to-date insiders say that Windows 12 is supposed to come or must come before Win 10 is shut off.
Everything else would be totally illogical and senseless by Microsoft.
There will be a successor for Win11. This Windows 12 is likely to be called, but you can’t rule out that Microsoft is still considering another name.
Windows 11 isn’t bad enough to let the width mass of users switch to other operating systems.
You say it 🤣🤣🤣
Yes Definitely but will last par years I think most Windows users are still on Windows 10
Apparently, but new leaks have probably included reports that there should be no Windows 12 2025.
But all are only Leaks.
Yes ne is clear -.-
Microsoft can NOT force you to use Only Windows 11 just to have a safe Windows.
Therefore READ the Win 12 before win 10 updates stop, releases.
And why should that be logical? Where is the disadvantage for Microsoft?
Because then many would change, just those who don’t like Win 11 etc.
Win 10 can still be used, but many (even the older gene) don’t get any support on Win 10).
Besides, that would be a bad image if they were forced to go to Win 11.
There are also totally many other things that are different, but there are enough reports and YT videos.
Fact is, ONLY WIN 11 becomes and cannot exist.